Headquarter and contacts of WeLoveItaly.eu

Do you want to know more about the headquarter and the general contacts of WeLoveItaly.eu ? You're in the right place!  WeLoveItaly.eu is located in Pisa at the following addresses :

Our Italian language courses are focused on communication and on the practice of language skills. Italian language classes are held for small groups or individuals, with very flexible schedules and exclusive learning programmes.

Our classrooms are comfortable and equipped with all the smartest facilities as wel as with a high internet connection ,  ergonomic furniture, and a nice bar. It's possible to have a coffe, water or tea .  Our working spaces have the energy you're looking for. And  a qualified staff of Italian language teachers and tutor will follow your progress in  a warm, caring, student-centered environment: the best place to learn Italian while having fun!

We're sure that you'll fall in love with Pisa  after having studied Italian at WeLoveItaly.eu.  Your satisfaction is our best reward! We're waiting for you at WeLoveItaly.eu  .

Contact us to choose the solution that best suits your needs or to create a delicious and fun school experience together:

  • E-mail: Info@WeLoveItaly.eu ;
  • Mobile: + 39 338.28.57.202  .