Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez

Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez

“Los impossible tarda un poco  más” 

L. V. Gutiérrez

Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez, l’Andalusia in una palette

Che dire di Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez , se non che è una donna bella dentro e fuori .  Di lei mi ha colpito  la sua arte ed eleganza. Questa forza della natura è nata a Guanajuato in Messico dove ha svolto i suo studi di architettura, che ha poi perfezionata in Canada e Alcalà . Per puro caso ho incontrato Lucila Veloz Gutierrez un pomeriggio  afoso di Luglio  di qualche anno fa.

Precisamente è accaduto a Cordoba dove vive con la sua famiglia. In attesa del mio treno di rientro a Siviglia ero appoggiata sul muro rovente della centralissima fontana di Piazza Tendillas . Lì mi ritrovai Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez che stava abbozzando una torre di un palazzo liberty con un carboncino. Mi sembrò la cosa più bella del mondo. Mi complimentai per quello schizzo così minimale, semplice ma penetrante. Così iniziammo a parlare. Figuratevi una Spagnola e un’Italiana ! E senza che nessuno delle due conoscesse l’idioma dell’altro, si fece subito amicizia. La stessa che mi ha portato nuovamente in Andalusia per ammirare più da vicino i suoi capolavori . Vediamo più da vicino chi è Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez. Buona Lettura!

Chi è Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez?

Senza dubbio non è facile descrivere l’anima e la carriera di successo di Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez. Perché ha fatto tanto nella sua vita e ancora oggi come un uragano non si ferma. Dall’ architettura all’amore per l’arte in tutte le sue manifestazioni il passo è stato breve.

Sin da quando nel 1983 ancora studentessa del primo anno Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez è chiamata a esporre nella Casa-Museo Diego Rivera . Da allora il cammino è stato tutto in salita vincendo delle borse di studio negli anni ’90 per la Cooperazione Iberoamericana ICI  e per l’ Istituto Nazionale della Pubblica Amministrazione della Spagna . Parimenti si è distinta per avere diretto i lavori di sviluppo urbano in alcune aree del Mexico come il suo paese natale  Guanajuato, Celaya, e lo Stato di Querétaro. Un’esperienza che le ha permesso di conoscere la sua terra  più da vicino sotto ogni tipo di sfumatura.

Altri successi

In seguito Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez  si è specializzata  in Restauro del Patrimonio, Design e Paesaggio, e ha conseguito  il Diploma in Architettura del Paesaggio.  Inoltre ha  aderito come membro di varie associazioni e istituzioni tra i quali :

  • Associazione di Architetti del paesaggio, Messico .D.F. ;
  • Comitato Internazionale dei Siti e dei Monumenti;


Altre tappe fondamentali del suo percorso lavorativo 

Non si può bloccare proprio un fiume in piena e nel 2017 Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez è diventata presidente della società tecnologia Innopaisaje dell’università di Cordoba. Attualmente sta lavorando nel suo atelier a Cordoba . Si dedica principalmente  all’architettura stringendo collaborazioni con importanti studi quali quelli di :

  • Jaime Meza Miranda;
  • Carlos Flores Marini ;
  • Gerardo Olivares James

Papalotl, la farfalla messicana

Non mancano realizzazioni artistiche di pittura e design ( Sección Áurea Design ) di grande valore. Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez è anche nota per le sue pubblicazioni e  i suoi convegni sull’arte . Numerose sono state anche le sue mostre artistiche , tutte disseminate tra la sua terra, la  Spagna e altre parti del mondo .

Tra tutte queste vorrei citare quella  del Giugno 2023 svoltasi presso il centro congressi Cosentino di  Malaga. La kermesse è stata intitolata Papalotl , che vuol dire farfalla in antica lingua messicana Nahutl . Una serie di quadri che inquadrano perfettamente lo spirito del filo rouge del suo credo artistico che mira a esplorare il cosmo e ad afferrare di questo il cuore. Il suo slancio artistico è un  volo eterno verso la sezione aurea che vede nella ricerca della perfezione di spirito e corpo la perfezione stessa.  Un’espressione di una forte sensibilità umana, patriottica, paesaggistica che prende forma in capolavori di restauro publico, tele, vestiti, ventagli in seta tutti dipinti a mano con l’uso di decorazioni in oro e argento .

Cordoba, l’Andalusia vera

Non è la prima volta che vado in Andalusia. Questo è un luogo davvero mediterraneo, latino, magico e primordiale. E tornarci con un caldo torrido a Luglio vuol dire esserne stata davvero stregata. E Cordoba mi ha richiamata al suo splendore in occasione della mia visita a Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez , che mi ha fatto sentire come a casa . Per me è stata una settimana di momenti indelebili che mi hanno portato a scoprire una città in tutta la sua bellezza.

Cordoba  , fondata dai Romani, è un concetrato di storia in cui Arabi, Cristiani e Ebrei hanno cercato di plasmarla convivendo fino alla supremazia cattolica dei re Ferdinando e Isabella . Cosa c’è da  fare e vedere a Cordoba ? Troppo in realtà . Se avete deciso di regalarvi un viaggio nel tempo, e una vacanza speciale vi consiglio di non stare solo un weekend . Cliccate in questo sito che vi regala una paoramica generale per perdervi nell’incanto di Cordoba. Buon viaje! 

Contatti di Lucila Veloz Gutiérrez: 

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Las Termas des Hispalis, a beautiful Spa in the heart of Seville

Las Termas des Hispalis, a beautiful Spa in the heart of Seville

“Taking time to do nothing often brings everything into perspective”

Doe Zantamata

Las Termas des Hispalis’, the best Spa in Seville 

My third trip in Seville in a hot week in July made me think of doing something special for me. That’s why I decided to spend a magic day in an exclusive Spa in the heart of Seville at :

It  was really the best thing of my stay in the charming Capital of Andalusia  . Upon my arrival there , I met Martina, the blond and lovely receptionist . She explained me what I could do there.

A magic moment for myself at Las Termas des Hispalis’

So I went  on with booking my relaxing moment for 90 minutes. Martina offers me the possibility to combine my  circuits with an extensive menu of relaxing and exotic massages, therapeutics and body wraps . I made my reservation for a Saturday afternoon, and I was  able to be spoiled by my  therapist at my preferred timing at 19:30.

Here What I did:

  • I arrived 10 – 15 minutes prior to my appointment, to get into the mood of relaxation;
  • A friendly hostess provided  all I need  for my day Spa , such as towel and slippers;
  • I take a warm shower before my treatment, as it relaxed my  tired muscles;
  • I enjoyed a body massage, a steam bath and  a sauna;
  • I drank fresh water and an orange juice;
  • I played with the water inside the ‘Jacuzzi pool’ being tickled by hydromassages;
  • I admired the stunning location full of mosaics and candles.

5 Reasons to  go to  ‘Las Termas des Hispalis’ , Seville

Spa and relaxation goes hand in hand, and you perform better if  you visit Spa regularly.  It combats stress and improves mental health.

There are 5  benefits of attending ‘Las Termas des Hispalis  . You can:

  1. Improve vital health;
  2. Reduce anxiety;
  3. Enhance the ‘feel good’ factor;
  4. Stimulate  lymphatic system;
  5. Mudpacks and mineral water bath have anti-inflammatory activities that can cure some skin problems.

Las Termas des Hispalis, Seville

Seville is a city of wonder! 

Sometimes I forget that my body needs respect and attention and I often take that for granted. At ‘Las Termas des Hispalis  , I was able to  to separate myself  from daily routine, tasks,  and technology.  Seville is always in my mind and I have one more reason to come back soon!

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Algarve, Portugal

Algarve, Portugal

“Todo es possible, se lo queremos” 


Algarve, the beauty in Southern Portugal

Algarve is located in the South of Portugal, bordered on the North by the Alentejo Region, on the East by the Spanish region of Andalusia, and on the Southern and Western areas by the Atlantic Ocean. Algarve is spread over 5,000 km 2 and is home to about 440,000 inhabitants, which accounts for 4.3% of the Portuguese Population.

Algarve is world-wide recognised as a holiday destination, and tourism is very important for its economy together with  retail , wholesale, and construction. Algarve attracts millions of  visitors every year not only for its white sand , warm waters and its exciting movida, but also for its culture, nature, friendly people, and some of the world’s finest  winee and food! Come with me to explore the best of Algarve!

Algarve, a land full of history  

The Algarve has more than 3000 years of history. During different periods, people from the Mediterranean, such as the Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans and Moors occupied the south coast of Portugal . But those from North Africa left the strongest influence. Centuries of Arab occupation are still visible in the local architecture and place names.

Indeed the name ‘Algarve’ comes from the Arabic word ‘Al-Gharb’, that means ‘the west’. Algarve was a Christian kingdom dominion in 1249, after which its many ports played a key role during the ‘Age of Discovery’ (15th – 18th century) under Henry the Navigator . Using caravels based on local fishing boats, Prince Henry opened routes that led  to Africa and Asia.

Bringing in great wealth from trading spices, slaves and gold, Portugal acquired possessions around the globe, from Cape Verde to Macao, and from Mozambique to Brazil. In 1755 a Massive Earthquake  destroyed many of the wealthy towns financed by these voyages,  and the massive Tsunami afterwards caused several problems.

The best 7 events in Algarve

All the year long  Algarve boasts various cultural events, many of which are known far beyond the country. All this invites travellers to come not only for  a memorable pastime, but also for  getting acquainted with the national culture. I’d like to list some of the most interesting ones:

  1. ‘Corridinho’: It’s the traditional dance of the Algarve , which is full of energy and danced in pairs.  It speaks about the life of farmers and fishers. Nowadays, there are still folk groups in many villages. Also, Corridinho’ belongs to the regular entertainment offered by hotels and festivals in the region;
  2. ‘FolkFaro’: The city’s big folk festival features lots of dance (with local and international folk groups), live music and street fests over eight days at various venues around town;
  3. ‘Carnival of Loulé’: The Algarve’s best-known carnival attracts thousands of people every year to the city of Loulé. The streets of Loulé are filled with the most spectacular face-masks warming up the cold winter days;
  4. ‘Motard Concentration of Faro’: It happens every year in the middle of July and draws many thousands of bike enthusiasts from all around the globe! The main activity is a parade that passes through the main streets of Faro, exhibiting all types of bikes, tattoos, and people;
  5. ‘Lagoa, the Sand City’: It’s a sand sculpture festival, which  takes place in Lagoa, where artists from all around the world construct and expose their enormous and wonderful sculptures;
  6. ‘Holy/Easter Week’: Easter is one of the most important holidays for the Portuguese. As there are many devoted Catholics in the country, during the ‘Semana Santa’,  visitors can see numerous religious processions .

Why is Algarve so special? 

What’s the best thing in Algarve? People ! They are open-minded and friendly for foreigners, including the large immigrant community (especially from Ukraine, Romania and Brazil) and tourists.

Portuguese people love to talk, share knowledge and stories with people from different countries. A way of learning about the daily life and habits of the native people is to visit a fishing harbour, a market , or sitting on a terrace in the pedestrian areas of a town and observe local people in their environment.

Faro, the charming capital of Algarve

Faro is the capital of  Algarve  ( 65,000 inhabitants), which is located next to the Ria Formosa Lagoon Nature Reserve’.  It’s a place where visitors pass through Faro Airport’ on their way to the various seaside resorts of the Atlantic Coast. But Faro  justifies a closer look, at least a day of your holiday or a weekend break!

It’s really a destination blessed with rich cultural wealth . It has sandy beaches, eternal sunshine, delicious seafood, tippler’s bars, and historic architecture. Inside Faro, you will find well-tended gardens, lively plazas, and parks.

Located in the heart of the city ,  the labyrinthine streets of the Old Town are lined with museums, churches, cathedrals,  cafés, and even an intriguing bone chapel. A further stroll will take you to ruins of beautiful architecture such as the Milreu Roman Remains’. It’s definitely one of the most beautiful towns in the Algarve  to explore

The history of Faro

The history od Faro is compelling. Originally thanks to its strategic location Faro, once known as ‘Ossonoba’, attracted settlers and traders as  the Phoenicians and the Carthaginians , who helped to create trade routes across the area.

After Romans, and 500 years of Moorish Rule (XI century), Christians took over Faro. And under the new Christian Rulership, Faro was established as the capital of Algarve by King Afonso III of Portugal. Faro became a centre of culture and learning as a result.

Faro suffered more disaster in 1722 , when it is ravaged by an earthquake, and again in 1755. Parts of the historic area of Faro, particularly the City Centre, survived the disaster. This, of course, means that much of the area that surrounds it was built after 1755. In 1834, the city recovered completely and once again became the capital of the Algarve.

What to do in Faro in 2 days! 

I arrived in Faro by bus from Seville , where it was too hot for spending all my summer vacation in July! At first sight, Faro didn’t have the wow factor unlike the other popular European cities. But it has its ways to charm and captivate your heart!

A sudden rainy day breaks the spell of my first visit Faro , and I was really petrified! But despite the bad weather,  I went on with my trip . Here below  my top tips for  enjoying  in Faro in 2 days!


‘Praia de Faro’

I didn’t want to waste anything! My audacious faith made a miracle. Clouds disappeared and I was  in this paradise admiring only the beauty of nature.

The ‘Praia de Faro’ is the best beach in Faro .  It’s easily accessible from the city, via the regular bus service  (It also serves theFaro Airport’) for less than €2 and takes 15-20 minutes .

The  soft  sands of the Praia de Faro’  extend for 5km, along the entire sea facing side of the ‘Ilha de Faro’ (‘Faro Island’), while the rear of the island overlooks the lagoons and tidal mud flats of the above mentioned Ria Formosa Lagoon’.

Faro Old Town

Cidade Velha’, the Old Town

Tthe Old Town of Faro is situated in the East of the City Center near the Marina, and it’ s one of the most popular things to visit. It’s encircled by medieval walls built over Roman foundations and contains :


The shopping area of the Old Town

Outside the Old City Walls there is The City Center, which is walkable and many parts have been pedestrianised, although many of the narrow streets have equally narrow pavements. Along these streets you’ll find plenty of cafés, restaurants, shops  and bars for hanging on.


Dinner at ‘Taberna Modesto’ 

‘Taberna Modesto’is located in  R. do Castelo 2, 8000-149 . It’s a very nice restaurant! Its position is gorgeous, because it’s in the heart of Old Town, where thethe Castle of  Faro’ is . It’s very simple, but the atmosphere is relaxing and above all fish is amazing .

My dinner was: a grilled sea bass with olive oil, baked potato paired with a great local white wine .  If you want to taste genuine food and want to be welcomed with a smile , don’t choose any other place for your dinner in the capital!

Bye Bye Faro, I’ll come soon again!

Faro is not  free of tourists, but it’s definitely kept it’s character! What impresses me about Faro is its White Washed Houses, with geometrically decorated chimneys, and graffiti walls, a perfect background for a dramatic photo shoot!

Lastly, the Sunset View in Faro is Unforgettable. Need I say more? Only that after a half day relaxing on the rolling sand dunes, looking out on the Endless Sea and soaking up the Warm Sun, I could stay in Faro forever!

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“…No creas lo que tus ojos te dicen.

Todo lo que muestran son limitaciones.

Mira con tu comprensión,

encuentra lo que ya sabes,

y verás el camino para volar…”

R. Bach

Andalusia, a paradise between Europe and Africa

Andalusia is a vibrant destination to visit for its treasures, the faboulous nightlife, the regional pride on flamenco’, bullfighting’, Moorish architecture, and more over. Andalusia  consists of 8 provinces: Seville, Cádiz, Cordoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaen, Almeria, Malaga.

Each of them  one  has very distinct characteristics and it is worth spending some time in. Being the Southern part of the Iberian peninsula and the Southern most point of Europe, Andalusia boasts several microclimates and stunning and variegated landscapes.

Andalusia, between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic

Its coastline stretches for  over 500 miles peppered with beaches overlooking both the Mediterranean and the Atlantic: from the ‘the Costa del Sol’  to the ‘the  Costa de La Luz’. Andalusia offers also imposing mountain chains , such as:

Andalusia and the desert of ‘Tabernas’

Andalusia is a gem of nature, which provides endless nature wanders , among which  24 natural parks, andthe Tabernas’ , one of the most wide world known desert for its international cinematic location !

The Tabernas’ is located in the barren interior of ‘Costa de Almeria’. It’s  approximately 280 square kilometers, and since the 1950s  westerns, war films and fantasy adventures have all been filmed in this South Eastern corner of Spain, such as :

History of Andalusia

Being a gateway between  Europe and Africa like Sicily, Andalusia attracted  different cultures and people  over the past centuries:  Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Christians, Vandals, Visigots,  and Arabs. Since 711 AC  the territory was ruled by Muslim caliphates  and emirates under the name of ‘Al-Andalus’, from which Andalusia takes its name today.

The Guadalquivir River Valley’ was the heart of the kingdom and the city of Cordoba became the capital of the Islamic Empire. Moors  were enlightened rulers, they contributed to the economical and social development of Andalusia . They  promoted a religious tolerance towards the Christian community  and the  Jewish one. Something like that was really revolutionary in the Middle Age.

Arabs governed Andalusia till  the 1492 , when the Catholic Kings  Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile established the famous ‘Reconquesta’. In the same year the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sailed away from the harbour of Palos de la Frontera (in the Western coast of Andalusia ). He  discovered the New World, establishing the beginning of the ‘Spanish colonial empire’ in the overseas territory.

This florid period was the  ‘Golden Age’ for Andalusia, whose fruits can still be seen  today in its  great buildings of the Gothic, the Renaissance and the early BaroqueSeville and Cádiz were the biggest and richest cities in the Iberian Peninsula.

However,  the overwhelming majority of the wealth that reached Andalusia after the discovery of America did not concur to the enrichment of the whole territory.  Indeed it was in part diverted in war and too much trade and finance came to be controlled by other areas of Spain and by other European states as well.

Andalusia today

The economic situation  continued to deteriorate throughout the following period.  The 18th and 19th centuries were turbulent times for Andalusia marked by the Spanish War of Succession’, the Napoleonic Invasion’,  ‘the Battle of Trafalgar’, and social conflicts in the Andalusian countryside .

The 20th century was firstly shaped by the conflict between monarchists and republicans, then  the ensuingCivil War’ (1936-39) ended with the national government of General Franco, who maintained his power until his death in 1975. With the return to the democracy under the popular monarch Juan Carlos I, Andalusia attained a new self-confidence and became an autonomous region in 1982.

My second time in  Seville

As I wanted to understand why I was so inspired by Seville , I decided to visit this exotic metropolis again for my Easter holiday. Not only because spring was the best period for its mild warm temperature, but also because I had much more time.

Therefore, I had the possibility to enjoy the charm of  Andalusia and its hypnotic atmosphere. I discovered other amazing cities too, such as Cádiz and Cordoba, which made me deeply aware of the complexity of this incredible land and off the ‘alma‘ (soul) of its inhabitants.

5 Things  to do in Seville 

I arrived in Seville at the end of April between two important celebrations the Semana Santa(‘Holy week’) and the Feria de Abril’  (‘April Fair’), avoiding the busiest period of the year.  Of course, I  misse the most interesting events too!

By the way these are  some other  marvels of  Seville,  which involved me more closely:

  1. Cathedral of Seville’: My first desire was to visit  theCathedral of Seville’  (or Catedral de Santa Maria  de la Sede’ ). It is the third largest church in the world . It was built during the 15th and 16th centuries, in the spot where the  mosque of the  city once stood during the Moorish occupation. While its Gothic architecture is impressive from the outside, its sheer detail and scale is best appreciated from inside. Besides its impressive architecture, you’ll also find works of art by famed Spanish artists, an incredible choir and altar, and  the tomb of Christopher Columbus . Moreover, there is the ‘Patio de los Naranjos’,which is an an idyllic courtyard with its scented orange trees. Click here for useful tips for visiting the ‘Cathedral of Seville’;
  2. ‘La Giralda’: After the  ‘the Cathedral of Seville‘, I made my way up its  attached bell tower , which is ‘La Giralda‘. Its name means ‘she who turns’ ( ‘girar‘ is ‘to turn’ in Spanish) after the weathervane on top of the tower, a statue representing faith called ‘El Giraldillo’. This  is probably the best known symbol of the city . Originally a minaret and one of the few remaining parts of  a mosque built on this site by Muslims between 1184 and 1198, the tower was unusual in that it had ramps that led you to the top rather than stairs. This was so animals could carry up the men , whose job it was to perform the call to prayer five times a day. After Seville was taken back by the Christians, ‘La Giralda’  was converted into a Christian church and finally into  the Seville’s Cathedral Bell tower‘La Giralda’  is 101 metres high, which makes it higher than London’s ‘Big Ben and the ‘Tower of Pisa’ ! In 1987 ‘UNESCO’ declared ‘La Giralda’  a world heritage site for  its great artistic and architectural value and its rich history, which  reflects its cultural melting-pot .  ‘La Giralda’ together with its 24 bells was always my extraordinary open-air show when viewed from the street.  It was my  top pick for the best view in Seville as well as the other  rooftop bars  dotted throughout the city. Click here for useful tips for visiting the ‘Giralda’;
  3. ‘Barrio de Santa Cruz’: It’s a district of Seville, where I spend most of the time ‘de la Tarde’ (‘afternoon’) . I walked through its cobbled streets admiring the picturesque facades of the magnificent buildings. I loved getting lost among elegant, fountains, squares, shops and old cafes;
  4. ‘Museo del Baile Flamenco’: This  is the ‘Museum of flamenco dance’ , which is housed in a beautiful palace house (18th century) called ‘Casa de Palacio’ .The museum opened its doors to the public in April 2006 and was masterminded by the renowned flamenco dancer, Cristina Hoyos. She who was born, and grew up in the very same streets where the museum now stands. Cristina Hoyos  was a great  dancer and  worked with many of the legends of flamenco dance.  Different areas of the museum are dedicated to Cristina ’s teachers and associates , including Antonio Gades, Enrique el Coto and Pilar Lopez;
  5. Boca Boca Restaurant’: The perfect way to end my evening in Seville was  to have a tasteful dinner in the Old Town. While the classical guitars and soft singing by flamenco artists entertained me delightfully all around, I stumbled upon the  ‘Boca Boca’ . It’s a small but delicious Andalusian-Italian restaurant located between the Cathedral of Seville’  and the Plaza Nueva.   The attentive servers welcomed with a big smile . I ordered my favourite ‘tapasand my usual Verdejo , which is a fantastic fruity white wine produced in the Rueda region of Spain! I asked the owner the secrets of his recipes. This gentile man answered : ‘”semplice,  passione” (‘simply, It’s passion’) . He was speaking my language, so he was Italian. He introduced himself with a bog smile. His  name was Gianfranco . We went on talking not only about the local culinary specialities, but also about his adventure in Andalusia.  He was so kind with me all the night long, keeping me company with all his picaresque life stories led between Italy , Spain and South America. I highly recommend the gorgeous ‘Boca Boca Restaurant, because of his politeness and his exclusive  Andalusian cuisine.

2 Cities to visit in Andalusia

My Andalusian itinerary included two great cities , such as  Cádiz and Cordoba, which were connected to Seville by fast Renfe trains’ in  about two hours. I found  Cádiz  and Cordoba historic, quaint  and seductive. Here you are some reasons why to go there:

  • Exploring the remnants of a great Islamic Empire;
  • Strolling the cobbled laneways and famous floral patios;
  • Witnessing one of the most historically fascinating buildings in the world:
  • Visiting the home of powerful kings;
  • Tasting superb ‘tapas  in cute squares.

1. Cadiz

​​Cádiz is the oldest city in Europe.  It was founded in 1100 BC by the Phoenicians, who called it ‘Gadir’ and traded Baltic amber and British tin, as well as Spanish silver. The city  became a naval base for the Romans  until 1262, when it was taken from the Muslims by Alfonso X. It enjoyed a period of notable splendour  with the discovery of America, as Columbus sailed from this port on his second and fourth voyages.

Much later the city had its ‘Golden Age’ during the 18th century,  when it had the monopoly of American trade  with Spain to a large extent. From this time it grew into one of the wealthiest and most cosmopolitan cities in Spain and most of the city’s fine buildings date from this time.

4 Things to do in Cadiz

Cádiz is filled with things to see and experiences to live. It has a laid-back vibe, excellent seafood and atmospheric streets bathed in intense sunlight.

  1. ‘Cádiz Cathedral’: When I was in ‘Barrio del Pópulo’, I found myself contemplating the majestic Cathedral of Cadiz’, which was designed by Vicente de Acero. It’s a spectacular architectural work of art ,  combining  the traditional Spanish architecture with Baroque forms from Italy. Check out the inside of the cathedral for five euros or with a guided tour. You can also climb up the tower for another great view of the city;
  2. ‘Tavira Tower’: It is a watchtower and  witness to the trade and prosperity which the city experienced in the 18th century. It is situated in the centre of town. It is also the highest point in the town at 45 meters above the sea level. The most known attraction of this tower , apart from the beautiful panoramic view I had on the top floor of it, is the famous ‘Camera Oscura’.  It consists of an optical system that reflects a live image on a white circular screen which functions as telescopes used in submarines, where visitors can enjoy an exhibition of approximately 15 minutes. These exposures are developed by guides that explain accurately and with sympathy all the historical data, interesting facts and curiosities;
  3. ‘La Caleta Beach’: this is known as one of the most beautiful beaches in Cádiz , which has been made famous by the James Bond movie007, Die Another Day. It is located between two old castles, the Castillo de Santa Catalina’ and the Castillo de San Sebastián’ , where you can enjoy art exhibitions and colourful sunsets;
  4. ‘Calle Plocia’:  It’s a street behind the ‘Plaza de Sevilla’ full of restaurants and bar where to try the best of the Andalusian ‘tapasand  wines.

2. Cordoba

Cordoba is a pint-sized historical jewellery that punches well above its weight. Cordoba was even better than I imagined! I was in complete awe. Whilst Western European peasants worried that their wattle-and-daub might not see out the winter the Cordoba people were carving intricate vegetal friezes into their sandstone. Whilst wild Vikings were burning their boats, Cordoba’s Muslims were creating libraries!

During its turbulent history, Cordoba was under Roman rule, then colonized by the Muslims in the 8th century, which led to it becoming a major Islamic center and the capital of the ‘Caliphate of Córdoba’ in the Middle Ages. At that time it was one of the biggest, if not the biggest city in the world. During the Reconquista’ in the 13th century, it was recaptured by Christian forces.

7 Things to do in Cordoba

One day was too short to experience all the magic things Cordoba had to offer, but It was enough  to get an appreciable first impression.  I arrived early in the morning so I didn’t have to stand in line to visit its main attractions.

The most important advice I can probably give you to visit Cordoba is: planning and research is everything! A lot of monuments are only open until 3 pm. So make sure to choose what you want to see in advance! Here my top list of  things to do in Cordoba:

  1. ‘The Mosque–Cathedral Mezquita’: One of the world’s greatest works of Islamic architecture, Mezquita Mosque–Cathedral’ is an astounding hybrid structure built as a mosque in the 8th century by Umayyad Abd-ur-Rahman. At that time Cordoba was the leading city in terms of science and culture in Europe and the most important city in the Islamic Kingdom. At the beginning of the 13th century, Cordoba was retaken by Christians and the mosque was converted into a church, culminating with the Renaissance cathedral nave in the 16th century. Click here for useful tips for visiting it ;
  2. ‘Patio De Los Naranjos’: An enchanting orange patio inside the ‘The Mosque–Cathedral Mezquita’ . This former caliphate courtyard of ablutions today houses the ticket office and is a great place to enjoy the shade of the trees and the subtle orange scent. Click here for useful tips for visiting it;
  3. Cordoba Historic Centre’ :  Just around the corner North from the mosque, you’ll find ‘Calleja de las Flores’, a narrow whitewashed alley filled with flowers and a great photo opportunity. The historic centre of Cordoba is famed for its hidden patios, large interior courtyards and twisting alleys;
  4. ‘La Judería’ : The streets which are referred to as ‘La Judería’ , that means the ‘Jewish Quarte’, are the ones where Jewish people once dwelled and it is still the most beautiful part of the city. There was a time several centuries ago when Cordoba was known as the city of three cultures, because Christians, Muslims and Jews lived in harmony with each other. Today, there are very very few Muslims and Jews communities in Cordoba, but their influence remains in the architecture and the mosque and synagogue (neither functioning religiously now) all around;
  5. ‘Paseo de la Ribera’: Cordoba‘s promenade is an area filled with stylish restaurants, and it’s a  perfect place where to stop for a break! I walked along  the Roman Bridge’ to reach the other side of the city and I had nice views of the nature around the  Guadalquivir River. the Roman Bridge’ dates from the 1st century BC, but was rebuilt in the 10th century during the Moorish occupation. It  leads to ‘Torre de la Calahorraat South end , that is a fortified gate originally built by the Moors (‘Almohads’) and extensively restored by King Enrique II of Castile in 1369 to defend the city from attack by his brother Pedro I the Cruel. The tower houses the  ‘Museo Vivo de Andalus’ , a living museum featuring waxworks and a model of the Alhambra;
  6. Horno San Luis’: It’s a delicious restaurant in the old town , where I  had the ‘salmorejo’, the typical dish from Cordoba. It’s  a ‘gazpachowith eggs and Iberico ham. The restaurant was also an attraction in itself. It consisted of different patios all decorated differently but with a lot of plants and flowers;
  7. ‘Plaza de La Tendillas:It’s the modern business and financial core of the city, where I stopped before going  back to Seville.  Clouds gave way to splendid sunshine , so  I  sat on the edge of a fountain to take last photos in Cordoba. During my ‘siesta’ my attention was attracted by a smiling lady while sketching a dome  of a white colonial house . Her drawing was simple and beautiful, absolutely clear, made only with a piece of charcoal. I congratulated her to be able to capture the magnificence of that old building in few essential lines.  We started to talk each other,  and made friendship. Her name was Lucila Veloz Gutierrez, a well-rounded artist born in Guanajuato, Mexico, who moved for her job in Cordoba twenty years ago. To my great astonishment she invited me to go to her atelier in the heart of ‘Plaza de La Tendillasat the second floor of an old and elegant palace. It was a fascinating  laboratory of architecture and painting , where I admired her works dealing with the  constant theme of the integration of Mexican community in Andalusia. I’ll never forget the brightness of her  water colors depicting the bicolored arches of the Mezquita’ of Cordoba . As I was heading to the train station, I knew that it wasn’t  the last time I would see Lucila!


Andalusia is not for tourists but for travellers! 

There’s no place like Andalusia! This is a mesmerizing  Spanish region, which exudes style and flair whilst also steeped in hundreds of years of glorious history. The true essence of Spain is in Andalusia, in  the passionate flamenco woven into the fabric of everyday life, along the intricate cobbled lanes of a blindingly whitewashed village, in a majestic cathedral that soars into the blue, or inside a crowded ‘tapas bar’  where locals and visitors  come for top food & wine !

Whether it’s a masterpiece of Islamic architecture, a breath taking nature scene, or a ravishing coastal town overflowing with old-world charm, there’s no better way to grab the soul of Southern Spain than by visiting these beautiful places in Andalusia. Definitely, Andalusia is a perfect idea for your next upcoming trip, because this buzzing land will give you that tingling sensation in your stomach and make your heart beat faster .

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Seville, what to do in a weekend

Seville, what to do in a weekend

“…And crazed by the horizon, 
it mixes in its wine
Don Juan’s bitterness
with Dionysius’ perfection.
Seville to wound.
Always Seville to wound!…”

García Lorca

Seville, the ‘alma latina’ of Andalusia

Seville is located on the banks of Guadalquivir River . It’ s the capital of Andalusia. Moreover,  it’s considered the artistic, cultural, financial, economic and social center of the South of Spain . The metropolitan area of Seville has a population of more than 1 million people.

Seville  has become one of the most popular choices among visitors to  Spain. It’s a cultural melting pot, its towns and villages are like mosaics and columns on which the history of Tartessians, Iberians, Arabs and Christians is written and kept alive.

This town was the most important city in the world several centuries ago. It happened , when the Spanish trading fleet would bring back the riches from the Americas up the Guadalquivir River’. Here they would be bought by European traders to spread throughout the Mediterranean and the rest of Europe.

3 Things  you should not miss in Seville 

Reminiscent of those days of splendour  you can still see the glory of Seville in :

  1. ‘The Tower of Gold’: Originally a defensive watchtower built in 1220 on the orders of Seville’s Almohad governor Abù l-Ulà, it was one of the last edifices to be built in the capital.  In 1248, the army commanded by Ferdinand III of Castile would retake the city for the Christians. Thousands of intriguing stories, legends and false rumours have circulated about this elegant twelve-sided tower.  The first of them concerns its construction, spread over five centuries and reflecting three distinct epochs in the history of Seville;
  2. ‘Old Tobacco Factory’: It’s an 18th-century stone building . Since the 1950s it has been the seat of the rectorate of the University of Seville’. Prior to that, it was, as its name indicates, a tobacco factory. It was the most prominent such institution in Europe, and a lineal descendant of Europe’s first tobacco factory, which was located nearby. It is also one of the most notable and splendid examples of industrial architecture from the era of  the Antiguo Régimen’of Spain ;
  3. ‘Tapas Bar’:  Seville  is world-renowned for its Mudéjar architecture and ‘flamenco ‘ dancing.  But activities here   must include tapas’, which is an appetizer or snack in Spanish cuisine. ‘Tapas’ may be cold (such as mixed olives and cheese) or hot (such as ‘chopitos’, which are batteredfried baby squid, or patatas bravas). In some bars and restaurants in Spain and across the globe, ‘Tapas’ have evolved into a more sophisticated cuisine.

Seville. the heart of Andalusia

Seville  is a city that you could stay in for weeks and still not explore every corner.  However, the good news is that 24 hours in Seville is enough to at least give you a good taste of what there is to see and do.

Getting to Seville from the Airport is easy thanks to the ‘EA City Buses’, which let passengers get to downtown  in Plaza de Armas  with about 35 minutes. It is without a doubt the cheapest mean of transportation (€ 4,00) to reach Seville.

Taking a Seville airport taxi (around 15-20 minutes) costs approximately € 23,00. Follow my quick guide on How to Spend 24 hours in Seville,  grab your comfortable shoes, and explore one of Spain‘s most memorable cities !

7 things to do in the  Old Town of Seville

I stayed in  the City’s Old Town to explore:

  1. ‘The cobbled streets of  barrio Santa Cruz’ :  It is the most picturesque and delightful part of the city. It looks like Parisian boulevards, and It’s full of beautiful old palaces and churches. The area is bordered by : Calles Mateas Gago, Santa Maria La Blanca, San José’, the Jardines de Murillo‘  and the ‘Alcázar’ . It’s s one of the best ways to pass a long morning or afternoon in the Andalusian capital. And don’t worry if you get lost, because it’s a rite of passage for the first-time visitor to Seville to become happily disoriented in ‘Santa Cruz’ !
  2. ‘The Cathedral’:  It was conceived on the site of a former mosque during the city’s reconquest. Builders and city planners wanted to make it so grandiose that they’d be taken for madmen. Mad or not, your visit to Seville will start with the largest Gothic Cathedral in the world;
  3. ‘The tomb of Christopher Columbus’: No matter what history might eventually make of Christopher Columbus, he is certainly the (non-religious) person who most affected the history of the world.  Although evidence mounts that other Europeans reached the Americas before Columbus, he was the one who brought back the news to Europe and sparked New World colonization. His tomb is in the Cathedral of Seville’  ;
  4. ‘The Giralda Tower’: The monument’s confluence of different architectural styles is a reflection of the cultures that have risen and fallen in Seville. The result, eclectic and remarkable, is fascinating. Originally a minaret for Seville’s primary mosque, the first section of theGiralda’  was built in the Almohad Style by architects Ahmad Ibn Basso and Ali de Gomara. In 1356, the four bronze spheres that had crowned the tower fell to the ground and were destroyed. The bell tower is in Renaissance Style and was designed by in the 16th century. At the peak of the bell tower, at 104 metres high, a special weather vane can be seen: El Giraldillo’, another symbol of Seville;
  5. The Alcázar Palace’: The Spanish word alcázar comes from the Arabic ‘al qasr’, meaning ‘castle’. Throughout its history, the magnificent structure saw use as both a fortress and a palace. The earliest known use of the site was for a Visigoth basilica. The Moors promptly destroyed it after arriving in Seville in 712. In its place, they built a military fortress, the remains of which can still be seen in some parts of the surviving Alcázar’ today. By the 12th century, the Christian Reconquest’ was in full swing across the Iberian Peninsula. After King Fernando III recaptured Seville from the Moorish rulers in 1248, he converted the existing Alcázar’ structure into a Christian palace. Over the next few centuries, the ruling Christian monarchs were continuously renovating and adding onto the site, transforming it into the splendid royal residence we know today;
  6. ‘The Plaza de Spana’: This great building is Seville‘s most impressive after the Cathedral’, for its sheer scale and grandeur. It is a semi-circular brick building, Renaissance/Neo-Moorish in style, with a tower at either end . In front of the building, following the curve of its façade, is a 500-meter canal crossed by four bridges, and in the center of it all is the Plaza’ itself. You can rent small boats to row in the canal – thePlaza ‘ is known as ‘the Venice of Seville’. A major tourist attraction, it is the finishing point of horse-and-carriage rides. The Plaza’  is situated inside Maria Luisa Park, next to ‘Avenida Isabella La Catolica’. This is a pedestrianized avenue with ice-cream sellers and bike rental stands – this is the best way to reach the park, entering near the Teatro Lope de Vega’ and Fabrica de Tabaco’. You also can reach the park from the Prado de San Sebastián’ (served by metro, bus and tram) on one side, or the river on the other;
  7. ‘The Old   Triana Market’: As I walked away from the center of Seville over the Triana Bridge’, and across the Guadalquivir River, I decided to get energy in the 150 year Old Triana Market’ to go on with my adventure!  There are lots of food & wine vendors that sell their product here.  It’s a perfect place to stock up on food for a great ‘tapas’ lunch, like the one I  had at Loli Cerveria’. I can’t forget my Sevillian Menù: mushrooms filled with a homemade mayonnaise, fried octopus with sweet and sour piquant pepper sorbet , fresh tomato salad with tuna and swordfish  and a of course a glass of  the top Spanish white wine  ‘Verdejo’ . In the lower part of the market are the remains of the Castle of San Jorge’, the seat of the Inquisitional Court’. The barrio of Triana is less touristy than the center of Seville. This area was once the home of dockworkers and fishermen.

3 Tips for living ‘la marcha‘, that is the nightlife in Seville! 

Seville is famous for its vibrant ‘la marcha’, which is  the nightlife. It  extends until dawn and beyond, and cannot fail to impress in comparison with major cities such as Madrid and Barcelona. In Seville there’s a wide choice of nightlife for all ages, including jazz/music/night/flamenco clubs,cabarets,music halls, etc.

In winter the bars in the center of  Seville  and other spots offer the best places to keep warm and follow ‘la marcha’. It’s common to begin with a beer or two and maybe a ‘tapa’, then head to a ‘Bar de Copasas the night goes on. Those still wishing to continue often hit a discoteca to dance  until 6 or 7 am.

We’re all different when it comes to what we want for nightlife, so I’ve tried to offer some spots to enjoy the nightlife in Seville.

  1. Dinner at Casa Robles’ : It’s an intimate, cosy and comfortable restaurant in the heart of Seville. It serves delicious meat or fish menus,  and it also boasts an excellent wine list. I had  fish crudités, and a ‘Cod à la Brás’, made from shreds of salted cod , onions and thinly chopped (matchstick-sized) fried potatoes, all bound with scrambled eggs;
  2. Seville‘s night view  atEME Hotel’s Roof Garden’: it’s the best rooftop bars in Seville for the creative cocktails and stunning view. Here  your  Sevillian night  turns into an unforgettable memory with its sophisticated atmosphere and its direct view over the Cathedral’ and the Giralda’ ;
  3. A typical Sevillian bar at El Mariscal’ : a dancing night at this small bar hidden away in a narrow romantic street of Calle Mariscal’ in the Santa Cruz neighbourhood. A very lovely place and perfect to end your stay in Seville .


‘Hasta pronto’ , Seville

Seville  is the city that captured my heart quickly. I fell in love with its narrow streets, its tiny bars, and its stunning beauty. I greatly admire the devotion of the locals to their city. They’re obsessed (and rightfully so) with its festivals, climate and cuisine.

Seville  has a lot to offer during your city trip. Enjoy the beautiful attractions and sightseeing of Seville , the warm weather, the delicious tapas, long nights, ancient culture, temperament and flamenco dance.  I have to say that in the midst of my love affair with Seville , I left! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to return to Seville soon.

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