‘Cantina Villa Santo Stefano’,  Lucca

‘Cantina Villa Santo Stefano’, Lucca

“Chi non ama le donne, il vino e il canto è solo un matto , non un santo”.

A. Schopenhauer

‘Cantina Villa Santo Stefano’,  Lucca

‘Cantina Villa Santo Stefano  è un’ azienda agricola di lusso, che definirei  quasi surreale per la sua bellezza. Essa sta nascosta , ma ancora per poco, tra le magnifiche e dolci colline lucchesi di Pieve di Santo Stefano. Claudia Martinelli, responsabile della società di marketing ‘Darwin & Food’ , mi inivita a una degustazione dei loro superbi vini.

‘Cantina Villa Santo Stefano’    è un pò difficile da trovare, almeno per me , specie sotto  un  sole cocente , quello tipico di una mattina di luglio .  Mi smarrisco   in macchina per delle stradine strette in direzione  Pieve di Santo Stefano  . Tuttavia non mi scoraggio . Dopo un’oretta da Pisa  raggiungo la loro  sede in via della Chiesa 504 B . L’emozione di ritrovarmi con altri giornalisti e blogger per questo evento straordinario è infinita. Seguitemi per sapere di cosa si tratta!

Wolfgang Reitzle e Nina Ruge

Arrivata a  Cantina Villa Santo Stefano i gestori ci accolgono con un sorriso enorme . Inizialmente facciamo un giro dentro il parco enorme. Questo è immerso in una natura ordinata e rigogliosa. Accanto la piscina c’è l’ingresso per la sala degustazione. Dopo avere varcato delle grandi porte in ferro battut, ci mettiamo comodi sulle sedie. Tutto lo staff della stampa è incantato dalla raffinatezza degli interni e dell’apparecchiatura della tavola, imbandita con posate d’argento.

Cantina Villa Santo Stefano vuol dire anche un serivzio eccellente ! Appena i camerieri servono i vari bianchi e rossi aziendali,  stiamo fermi e immobili ad ascoltare la storia della tenuta attraverso le parole dell’ ingegnere tedesco Wolfgang Reitzle. Lui  ne  è il fondatore  insieme alla moglie Nina Ruge, famosa giornalista e presentatrice alemanna. Ciò che mi stupisce è soprattutto l’ ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo dei loro prodotti enoici, che esprimono al meglio lo splendore lo spirito della Toscana.

Wolfgang Reitzle

Il sogno diventato realtà di Wolfgang Reitzle

Wolfgang Reitzle è il proprietario di Cantina Villa Santo Stefano . Questi è un signore   alto , distinto , di una classe innata. Lui è  felice  di parlare  di come nel tempo è riuscito a trasformare la sua passione per il vino in un lavoro, che adesso  si è  materializzato in Cantina Villa Santo Stefano .

Wolfgang Reitzle, ex dirigente dellaBMW’ e poi CEO della ‘Ford’, ci spiega che tutto è nato quasi per caso. Sin da piccolo l’imprenditore tedesco si reca frequentemente  in Toscana  per le vacanze  con la sua famiglia.  Da allora il desiderio di viverci è forte.  A tal punto che poi , nel corso della sua vita , decide di acquistare un fazzoletta  di terra  nella regione più amata d’Italia.

Come nasce la ‘Cantina Villa Santo Stefano’ ?

Wolfgang Reitzle  vuole creare così un posto dove coltivare la vite e produrre nettari divini  fatti di vitigni locali come:

L’ occasione è il 2001 . Wolfgang Reitzle compra  la ‘Villa Bertolli’ assieme ad alcuni oliveti e ad un vigneto di circa un ettaro. La propirtà era della famiglia Bertolli .  I signori Reitzle e Ruge ribattezzano la villa  Cantina Villa Santo Stefano. E lo fanno in onore della pittoresca Pieve del IX secolo’ , che si trova nelle immediate vicinanze.


‘Cantina Villa Santo Stefano’ , uno staff eccezzioanle per dei vini speciali

Wolfgang Reitzle ci confessa che non è facile mettere in piedi un’impresa agricola come Cantina Villa Santo Stefano  di così grande di portata. Non lo aiuta il fatto di essere straniero in Italia.  Perché ci sono molti problemi burocratici e logistici da risolvere. Non ultimo l’interrogativo se fare tutto ciò è da pazzi o da pionieri!

Da grande uomo di affari qual è Wolfgang Reitzle riesce nel suo intento . E dal 2005 a oggi l’avventura con Cantina Villa Santo Stefano continua con successo . Tutto ciò  grazie anche al supporto dei suoi affetti e dei suoi fidati collaboratori nelle figure di :

Al momento Cantina Villa Santo Stefano  rileva nei suoi 11 ettari di terreno:

La filosofia che guida la  Cantina Villa Santo Stefano  è la ricerca della perfezione nel fare vino ed olio sfruttando al massimo tutte le potenzialità di questo paradiso  benedetto da Dio.


I vini di ‘ Cantina Villa Santo Stefano’

I vini di Cantina Villa Santo Stefano sono particolari, biologici, strutturati i rossi e leggiadri i bianchi. Assaggiare un calice di vino lucchese è un’esperienza speciale. Questo   ancora una volta conferma la ricchezza del patrimonio vitivinicolo  della Toscana senza passare per forza attraverso nomi blasonati!

Degustazione di 5 vini 

Una delle caratteristiche più distintive dei vini  di Cantina Villa Santo Stefano è la sapiente mescolanza di vitigni autoctoni con varietà di origine francese.  Oltre un terroir da manuale fatto di peculiarità pedoclimatiche esclusive che sono:

  • Terreni misti e prevalentemente argillosi;
  • Una temperatura mite tutto l’anno;
  • Ua combinazione di vicinanza al mare e montagna, che conferiscono a questi vini il loro sapore distinto.

Ecco le etichette in assaggio della Cantina Villa Santo Stefano :

  1. ‘Gioia 2018 e 2019’ : è un ‘IGT Toscano’, un vino bianco fatto al 100 %  di Vermentino . Questo vitigno  cresce spontaneo dalla Lucchesia alla Liguria .  Esso proviene da un vitigno adiacente l’azienda esposto a Sud , vicino alle spiagge della Versilia distanti circa 20 km . Qui c’è un microclima straordinario, che si riflette nell’aroma fragrante del vino stesso. La selezione e la raccolta delle uve , è eseguita scrupolosamente a mano. E dopo la diraspatura e pigiatura, le uve subiscono una leggera macerazione di qualche ora prima di essere vinificate in bianco. La fermentazione dura dai 15 ai 20 giorni e si avvale delle tecnologie più innovative. Il  processo avviene infatti in vasche di acciaio a temperatura controllata tra i 15° e i 16°. Questo vino bianco, nelle due diverse annate, possiede un bouquet armonico e fruttato, una buona acidità e un tocco di mineralità che si avverte nel finale;
  2. ‘Luna 2019’ : fatto di 50% Merlot e 50% Sangiovese , è un rosé sobrio, che va bene su tutte le portate di mare e di carni bianche . Ed è perfetto anche per un aperitivo. Esso ha un colore rosa provenzale, al naso è pulito con profumi che ricordano la pesca bianca e la buccia di mela rossa;
  3. ‘Volo 2019’ : è ‘IGT Toscanofatto di  40% Petit Verdot, 40% Cabernet Sauvignon e 20% Alicante.  Questo è un un vino che si presenta con un colore rosso intenso e con sfumature violacee frutto della sua giovane età. Al naso è floreale, con note di prugne, more e ciliegie, con un finale delicato di cipria. Al palato si esprime frizzante, con un buon tannino ed un’ acidità equilibrata  che lo fanno diventare di gradevole beva;
  4. ‘Sereno 2016, 2017 e 2018’ : è una ‘DOC Colline Lucchesi fatto da  80% di Sangiovese e 20% tra Ciliegiolo e da altri vitigni del posto. Si tratta di un vino dal colore rosso rubino con riflessi porpora, al naso  note di violetta, frutti rossi e spezie. Al palato è morbido con un finale gradevole di frutta;
  5. ‘Loto 2015, 2017 e 2018’ : è il vino più pregiato di ‘Villa Santo Stefano’ fatto di  50% Cabernet Sauvignon,  40% Merlot e 10% Petit Verdot . Per ogni vite vengono selezionati non più di quattro grappoli, per garantire il massimo della resa da ogni pianta. Nel 2015 è stato installato un impianto computerizzato ad alta tecnologia utilizzato per garantire un processo di fermentazione e vinificazione ottimale. Di norma, il processo di fermentazione dura 12 giorni. L’affinamento dura, a seconda della tipologia di uva e dell’annata. Essa va  dai 12 ai 18 mesi ed avviene in pregiate barrique francesi, in una barriccaia a temperatura (15°C) e umidità (83%) controllate. Il tipo di legno utilizzato per le barrique viene selezionato a seconda della tipologia di uva. Al termine dell’affinamento viene composta la cuvée e viene quindi imbottigliato il vino, che dovrà attendere almeno altri 6 mesi prima di essere distribuito. Questo è un vino di spessore, di corpo, che si presenta con un colore che può arrivare al rosso rubino intenso ed ha sentori di frutti di bosco, tabacco e vaniglia.


Pranzo nel giardino della ‘ Cantina Villa Santo Stefano’

Tra una chiacchiera e l’altra il tempo vola . Lo stomaco brontola percè è ora di pranzo. Nel dehors esterno della Cantina Villa Santo Stefano tra fontane zampillanti di acqua e alberi abbracciati da boccioli di rosa iniziano il nostro lauto banchetto.

Il nostro pergolato ci protegge un po’ dalla calura estiva che finisce di darci fastidio non appena lo chef Riccardo Santini del Vignaccio ci annuncia il menù della festa:

  • Una panzanella di pomodoro e cipolle all’aceto balsamico;
  • Una ‘torta lunigiana  d’Erbi’ di bietole spinaci e rapini;
  • Uno sformato di fagiolini e formaggio di Scoppolato di Pedona’
  • Faraona, zuppa di porro e patate;
  • Un sorbetto al melone per pulire la bocca.

Regalatevi una fuga a ‘Cantina Villa Santo Stefano’! 

Cantina Villa Santo Stefano’ è un borgo incantato che ti strega non appena varchi il cancello all’entrata. Vi potete   perdere per ritrovarvi.  Vi rilassate tra il  lusso garbato  e tanti  vini pregiati . Questi danno il meglio riposando a lungo. Così sono  pronti per essere stappati e consumati per celebrare un momento speciale.

Cantina Villa Santo Stefano’   con i loro vini vi dà la possibilità di scoprire la Toscana. Perchè venire? I motivi sarebbero tanti, e vanno oltre l’uva!  Qui potere fare delle  vacanze all’insegna dell’arte e della storia, della natura, del mare o del relax,  Questa splendida regione sa offrire davvero di tutto e accontentare ogni tipo di viaggiatore: dalle città d’arte famose in tutto il mondo ai borghi medievali, dalle dolci colline del Chianti fino alle spiagge della Versilia e alle isole dell’arcipelago. Buon viaggio!

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Federici Winery, Ortonovo, Liguria

Federici Winery, Ortonovo, Liguria

“With Wine, Poetry, or Virtue, as you choose, but get Drunk!”

Charles Baudelaire

The ‘Federici Winery’, the Lunigiana in a glass! 

There is nothing like the regional products of a territory that can describe its history and culture. The fruits of the earth tell us how  people have shaped the landscape where they live. That is why visiting “Federici Winery is a special way to discover Lunigiana.

Lunigiana is a mysterious land sandwiched between the Ligurian coastal towns of “Cinque Terre” and the Tuscan cities of Lucca and Pisa. Follow me , read my post and explore a new part of Italy!

Federici Winery

A special visit at “Federici Winery”, Ortonovo, Liguria

On the 2nd November I visited the “Federici Winery in Ortonovo, near the ancient ruins of Luni, the famous Roman port, where Roman merchant ships  used to transport precious Carrara marble along the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Luca Federici welcomed me when I arrived at his wine cellar. He was ready to guide me through a tour of his  winery and dedicated his time to share with me the story of his family, his territory and his wines. Luca’s big smile warmed a rainy day, making me realise that if you do what you love, you never work a day in your life!

Federici Family, a Story of vineyards and men

The Federici family, originally from Ortonovo  boast a long tradition of winemaking that has been handed down from father to son.

It all started in 1985, when Giulio Federici and his wife Isa, the third generation of the family restored a country property in Lunigiana , devoting themselves to cultivating the local grapes and to making quality wines.

Luca, the oenoligist, and his brother Andrea, the sales and marketing manager, represent the fourth generation of the Federici family“. Today together they lead their business with passion, professionalism and with care for their territory.

Vermentino, the gold grape of Lunigiana land

The best result of the Federici family‘s love for what they do is  of course one of my favourite wines, the so called Vermentino: a dry white wine that is sleek, tangy and even a little bit sexy.

There are hundreds of white grape types planted throughout Italy,  though the Vermentino for me is really the best  .

This old variety grows well  here , because  the climate is mild , and because the vines are planted close to the sea.

I’m crazy  about the elegance of the Vermentino as well as the , minerality and  saltiness in its finish, and pairing it  with the local cuisine specialities , such as : seafood antipasti and pesto sauce, is something you have to experience once in your life!

“Federici Winery” is located near the ancient Roman port of Luni

“Federici Winery owes its name to the sun shining in the ancient Roman port of Luni. The archaeological site is still intact and just a couple of miles from the winery, and commemorates the thousand year old tradition of winemaking in this area.

“Federici Winery is located near La Spezia in far eastern Liguria nestling against the Apuan Alps (with peaks reaching almost 7,000ft  only 5 km from the sea) and the river plain of the River Magra.

The terroir of “Federici Winery”

This privileged position  provides an incredible microclimate, where the action of sea and mountain breeze, alternating between day and night, creates optimal  conditions for growing vines and producing wines of excellence.

Here the soil in the valley is of an alluvial and sandy  nature with leaner clay on the hills. That is how the Federicis can experiment  different varieties of the Vermentino producing completely different taste profiles in the vineyard, along with other grapes:

Harvest usually starts  towards the end of  August and the beginning of September . Grape picking is one of the most important phases of work for the Federicis and is entirely done by hand just like it used to be when the winery was first set up.

The estate of “Federici Winery” and its cellar

The “Federici Winery is a key player in the local economy and has the objective to constantly work to enhance the quality of its wines. The winery extends over  around 25 hectares with vineyards in prized locations both on the hillside and on the plain.

The winery buys hand-harvested grapes from other small growers in the surrounding countryside paying for quality, and  keeping alive both tradition and wine culture. The winery produces 200.000 bottles a year, including  whites, reds, rosé, sparkling wines, sweet wines and grappa.

Art and thecnology at “Federici Winery”

The Federicis invested a lot of money in the new winery in 2015, which now covers 1600 square metres and it is equipped with  state of the art technology, such as a special isobaric bottling system, which ensures  optimal care in the packaging of the wine .

Moreover, the winery follows  bio-architectural principles in order to  reduce  the impact on the environment as well as maximise energy savings. The beautiful underground cellar, where the wines rest for their final refinement, is a perfect example of the  harmony that exists between the buildings and nature.

The cellar of “Federici Winery”

The cellar is situated around a hundred metres below sea level, which helps harness the natural stability of temperature and humidity provided by the  presence of an underground aquifer.

All this is further supported by constant control of every stage of the production process thanks to ecological  solutions in the wine cellar such as solar panels, natural ventilation and the use of wood, stone and brick.

The Federicis are very proud of their magical reign and passion and patience and experience are key words of their philosophy.  For them viticulture is a family tradition, and their care for the environment, the climate, the vineyards and  their employees produces matchless wines, whose  flavour reflect the beauty of their terroir


Tasting of the wines of Federici  Winery” 

Wine tasting in “Federici Winery is an intimate and personal experience. The tasting room  is very  large, decorated with frescos and has two magnificent handmade chandeliers the design of which has been inspired by nature.

Luca took me through his line of biological  wines and demonstrated the quality of his best bottles of wine by pouring me a glass of their Vermentino. He  is proud of his wines with good reason and I sipped through his wines with pleasure.

All showed great character and depth as well as a softness you rarely see with natural wines. They seemed stable, substantial and yet so expressively honest.

The “Colli di Luni DOC Area”

Luca explained how the ideal climate for their white wines exists in the “Colli di Luni DOC Area”:

“ During the day there is superb ventilation and optimal  exposure to the sun whilst the evenings are fresh and humid, always with moderate temperatures whether it be winter or summer.

The best white wines  of the “Federici Winery”

Federici‘s  vineyards are situated within two to three miles of the sea, and here are the three versions of  the their  best wines made from 100 % Vermentino:

What you don’t know about the Vermentino!

I learned a lot about Vermentino thanks to Luca. The best Vermentino is medium-bodied, fresh and quite round, with a floral aftertaste, and its freshness is the result of the natural, lively acidity of the grape itself which provides balance as well as a marvellous affinity for pairing with a variety of foods.

Vermentino grows not only in Liguria, but also in Sardinia and Tuscany, and in each of these three territories, the vineyards are very close to the sea,  giving the wines a special character that you don’t find in wines from vineyards in a warmer, inland area.

Vermentino from a maritime climate tends to display a great minerality or saltiness in the finish. Vermentino is one of the most important varieties in Liguria, along with another white known as Pigato.

The best red wines of “Federici Winery”

Lunigiana is one of the smallest region in Italy, but its white wines are among the most distinctive, like the other three wines I sipped at the “Federici Winery :

Lunigiana, a magic land between Tuscany and Liguria

If you are a wine lover or a wine expert, Lunigiana could be your perfect upcoming destination. Lunigiana, in north west Tuscany, has a lot to offer. It is a location to be enjoyed all year round, and above all it is easy to get to via flights to either Pisa or Genoa.

The wine region of Lunigiana is very beautiful, with vineyards on rocky  hillsides that  overlook the sea as well as vineyards higher up in the valleys  and small narrow roads that meander up amongst the vineyards.   With such a large number of grape varieties unique to Lunigiana, this can lead to some confusion though doing research before visiting and wine tasting in such a picturesque region is worthwhile.

What to see in Lunigiana

Lunigiana is also dotted with numerous stunning medieval villages and  is a pearl amongst the other international  and aristocratic hamlets  along the zone of the  “Riviera Ligure di Levante”, such as:

Lunigiana lies between the northern Appenines, the “Versilian Plan”, and the “Gulf of la Spezia” and has real rural character as well as castles, Romanesque churches, and  old towns full scenes of rare beauty starting with Luni and Sarzana.

The ancient Roman port of Luni

Luni  the ancient Roman port which gives the name to LunigianaLuni is surrounded by a valley called “Val di Magra” in the “Montemarcello Magra Park”, which extends from inland Liguria up to the Gulf of Poets”. Points of interest include the remains of an Roman Amphitheatre (1st century AD) and the Archaeological Museum.

Sarzana, a beautiful town in Liguria

Some are born in Sarzana and love it for life, others choose Sarzana as their place. The latter seems to be the case with the family Bonaparte, who were welcomed there in exile and from  where they left to conquer the world.

The Bonaparte family left an important witness to their presence in the form of the “Bonaparte Tower House”, which is located in the first section of the “Via Mazzini”, a few steps away from the ancient church of “Sant’Andrea”.

Sarzana is a quiet city, tourists don’t go there much. You might peek into some of the antique shops in the historic centre, or into the terrific  main square “Piazza Matteotti” .

There are many restaurants in Sarzana, and all of them are good. It’s like the town is waiting for tourists who seldom come.

What to visit in Sarzana 

Sarzana has two nice castles:

Federici Wines are perfect for each moment of your Life

Italy, 100 % of Beauty!

Save your appetite my friends . Stay thirsty. Passion and humility create balance in the heart and balance in the glass. Luca knows this and you can see it in his eyes and taste it in his wines.

It was an incredible experience. I learned a lot about wines and the culture of this land. Without any doubt, I can help you with finding a new place to go for your upcoming holidays in Italy!

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Fibbiano winery and the wines of the hills of Pisa

Fibbiano winery and the wines of the hills of Pisa

‘A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world’

Louis Pasteur

The wines of Pisa hills

If you’ve just booked  an holiday in the magic  Tuscany,  you’ll soon be wondering: “what wines should I drink when I’m there?”. Surely,  one can answer  the wines of  ‘Chianti’ !

The wines of ‘ Chianti’ are really popular indeed. They come from the valleys between the great Tuscan Renaissance cities of Siena and Florence . Exactly here for a thousand years the landscape is made up of an unchanged medieval tapestry of woodlands, olive groves and cypress trees, all guarded by magnificent aristocratic villas.

What you should  know is that    Tuscany boasts other different and dynamic zones. One of these is for example  the rolling hills of Pisa and its province, namely the  ‘Terre di Pisa D.O.C.’ , which was founded in 2011!

Since then,  15 wineries have been enhancing  the quality of the wine production of Pisa and its province, promoting the wine appellations of ‘ Terre di Pisa Sangioveseand ‘Terre di Pisa Rosso’  in the international markets.

‘Terre di Pisa’ , a new project for a better tourism in Pisa

On the 6th December 2018 I attended a conference press at  the ‘Chamber of Commerce of Pisa’. It was hold in order to launch the project of ‘Terre di Pisa . What about it? It’ is the new tourist brand  for promoting  the cultural heritage  of  Pisa and its wine making tradition .  It counts about 460 members, including  ‘WeLoveItaly.eu’ as well!

On that occasion, I met Nicola Cantoni , the moderator of that event. Nicola has a handshake you remember. One quickly understands Nicola as a winemaker committed to what is important in the Tuscan winemaking tradition. But guess what!

Nicola is the owner of ‘Fibbiano winery”‘, which belongs to the 15 wineries  representing the excellence of wines produced in the territory of Pisa and its province . In a word, Nicola invited me to visit his winery, giving me the possibility to experience the renaissance of the wine  of  Pisa and its province. Thus I will be always  grateful for that!

Consortium  of the wines of Pisa’, an important wine community of Pisa and its province

While attending the press conference about ‘Terre di Pisa‘,  I found out that Nicola is not only a talented winemaker , but also  president of the  Consortium  of the wines of Pisa’ This  wine committee  was founded in 2018 to :

With the sunny season approaching fast, It was time for me  to plan my visit  at ‘Fibbiano winery’. But, It was quite impossible to fix a date for me  with  Nicola , being always busy for his job  ! Suddenly, his brother  Matteo Cantoni was the perfect solution to the problem! Fortunately, Matteo  was free to welcome me at ‘Fibbiano winery’   with open arms!

‘Fibbiano Winery’. How to make high quality wines in Pisa and its province

Lucky me! During a a weekend in March, I decided to came up at ‘Fibbiano winery’, which is home to  a terrific  modern winery and  an enchanting farmhouse. This enchanting estate is located at n. 2 via Fibbiano , in the municipality of Terricciola. This is a stunning  part of Tuscany, which is called the Era Valley (between  Pisa and Volterra). This enchanting territory is fast becoming an essential reference point for Tuscan wine, indeed for Italian wine. 

As I arrived at ‘Fibbiano winery Matteo  greeted me with a friendly smile . To begin with, Matteo was very kind with me. I had my interview with him about his farmhouse together with an exclusive wine tasting of their best wine labels. First Matteo told me all about the history of his family. 

Then I visited the cellar and the vineyards of the ‘Fibbiano winery. Finally,  I had my great wine tasting in a enchanting wine cellar.

The history of  ‘Fibbiano winery’ 

In 1997 Giuseppe Cantoni, with his wife Tiziana and sons Matteo and Nicola, moved from  Lombardy to Tuscany. They were looking for  a successful  wine making business living a life far away from the noise of the city and close to nature.

Therefore, they purchased a  medieval villa at that time, that belonged to the noble family Gherardi del Testa Barasaglia in the 12th century . They  renovated it all and turned it into what ‘Fibbiano winery is today, a thriving agricultural entrepreneurship.

An adventure from the North to the South

Their adventure from North Italy in Tuscany  was not only the result of a  desire to search for  their el dorado, but  also  a sign of destiny printed in one of their first  label Fonte delle Donne’  .  This exquisite white wine is made from Colombana, an old grape that grew spontaneously around a miraculous water source near the estate.

According to tradition, the Colombana grape was introduced by San Columbanus ‘ followers in the 17th century , when these famous Irish abbots decided to settle here living behind their Milan area. Upon their arrival in their estate, Cantoni Family realized they were not the only foreigners who fell  in love with Tuscany,  finding  the right place where to be !

Bringing to light  the old farmstead was not easy, but all that work  devoted to transform an old ruin into a jewellery was fully rewarded, as Cantoni Family carries on a prospering farming activity today, respecting land and the local traditions. Giuseppe, the father, deals with the general management of the middle age estate and takes care of the vineyards and countryside. Matteo, the eldest of the two sons, is in charge of marketing the wines and his brother, Nicola, is the winemaker .

The grapes of ‘Fibbiano winery’

Fibbiano’s philosophy is to continue on this thread of culture and tradition, cultivating indigenous grape varieties, such as Sangiovese, Canaiolo, Ciliegiolo, ColorinoS. Colombana, and Vermentino ,  instead of more international grapes. Fattoria di Fibbiano extends over an area of about 20 hectares of vineyards, 5 hectares of olive groves, 12 hectares of woodland and the rest is arable land.

Some vineyards (around 2.5 hectares) are over 100 years old and 17.5 hectares are up to 20 years old. This  mixture of old vines and new vines  keeps the vineyard alive, with red grapes planted on the top of the hill, and white grapes on the lower parts.  Due to Fibbiano‘s proximity to the Mediterranean and Ligurian seas, the soil originates from the sea and is rich in fossil shells from the pliocene epoch, and medium-textured corals .

In terms of climate, this part of Tuscany has warm sea breezes during the day and cooler nights, which helps the grapes to retain acidity and develop flavour. This particular terroir provides to complex wines with a certain minerality,  and aging capability.

‘Fibbiano winery’ is green!

I appreciated a lot of things, above all that ‘Fibbiano winery  is certified organic. Their practices, farming and wine-growing methods are truly natural. They even use  their own wood for central heating. Further, this sustainable winery uses a solar plant to conserve energy and produce fresh water.

They are always ready  to face new challenges, not least of which  exporting 80% of their wine to the following countries: United States, Canada, Norway, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, China, Russia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Lebanon, Mexico.

The wines of ‘Fibbiano winery’

The best part of this incredible life experience was my top wine tasting. I was led to a lovely wine bar with a large wooden table full with  Fibbiano  Best Wines and platters of Tuscan salami, pecorino and bread.  I sampled 6 different Wines, guided by Matteo who talked me through what I was enjoying, from the colour/appearance, the bouquet/smell and then the flavour.

Each wine was different, but wonderful in its own way.  I tried red and white wines, but the majority of the ones I  tried were red. Most of them are  made from the Sangiovese grapes and some are mixed with other grapes to produce  new fantastic blends.

White and rosé

Red wines

  • ‘Le Pianette IGT Toscana’ : This is a 70% Sangiovese and 30% Colorino wine;  It  is aged for 6 months in barrels of Slavonian oak and 3 months in bottle;
  • ‘Casalini Chianti Superiore DOCG’ : This is an 80% Sangiovese and 20% Ciliegiolo wine. It is aged for 8 months in barrels of Slavonian oak and 3 months in bottle. It has the typical notes of cherry . It is  a well-structured wine with smooth tannins;
  • ‘Aspetto IGT Toscana’ :  This is a 50% Sangiovese and 50% Canaiolo wine. It is aged for 12 months in tonneaux, 6 months in cement tanks, and 6 months in bottle. This is an intense ruby red wine with notes of mature red fruit and spices;
  • ‘Ceppatella IGT Toscana’ : This is a 100% Sangiovese wine, which is made with grapes selected from the oldest vineyard of the estate – it’s a 120 years old vineyard . It is a wine aged for 6 months in tonneaux , 14 months in barrels of Slavonian oak, and 5 months in bottle. It has notes of marmalade, spices, tobacco, and cacao and a long persistence.

Matteo entertained me happily and answered all my questions  by sharing  the secrets of their quality wines: “Sun, soil and patience”!

The wine of Pisa hills

‘Fibbiano wineryoffers up a bunch of very tasty wines for wine lovers and experts to experience. It is situated predominantly in the wine trail of the Pisa hills, an itinerary through the Tuscan countryside, which highlights many small towns that boast great traditions. It’s an area between Pisa and Volterra, and it  extends in the vicinity of the Arno, Egola and Elsa rivers. It embraces  stunning landscapes and places, such as  Casciana Terme, Capannoli, Chianni, Crespina, Lari, Palaia, Ponsacco, Terricciola, Cascina, Collesalvetti, Fauglia, Laiatico, Lorenzana, Montopoli Valdarno, Peccioli, Pontedera, Santa Luce, San Miniato and Collesalvetti .

The rolling hills of Pisa  gives birth to top red & white wines:

‘Fibbiano winery’ ,  the essence of the wine tradition in Pisa

Like other talented wine producers within  this zone , ‘Fibbiano winery’ is an example  of Pisa’s great winemaking potential, that is  only to be revealed in all its splendour.  I am feeling optimistic that this area is set to receive long overdue attention. Matteo was an excellent guide and wine educator

It was so natural for him to explain all that concerned his farm and how wine is made from grapes to wine. His passionate wine tasting remains for a long time among my memory . I am eager  to learn much more about the super wines of Pisa, that’s why another visit to ‘Fibbiano winery’ will be a must!

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