Vinho Verde , l’oro verde del Portogallo. Parte prima

Vinho Verde , l’oro verde del Portogallo. Parte prima

“…Sa volare solo chi osa farlo…” 

L. Sepulveda

‘Vinho Verde’, l’oro verde del Portogallo. Parte prima

Il ‘Vinho Verde’ è un vino portoghese prevalentemente bianco. Questo  sta riscuotendo un’enorme popolarità. Perché? Esso è un lusso alla portata di tutti, per la sua delicatezza, eleganza, e  versatilità. Una tipologia di vini adatta a tutti i tipi di piatti e palati.  Da quelli più semplici a quelli più esigenti!

Altro e indiscutibile X factor del  ‘Vinho Verde’  è la sua frizzantezza, derivante in origine dal carbonio naturale dell’uva. Questa però è ultimamente procurata da molti vignaiuoli con l’aggiunta di una lieve dose di anidride carbonica . Ciò si fa per venire incontro al gusto dei consumatori , specie quelli americani! Venite a scoprire il ‘Vinho Verde’  con me!

‘Vinho Verde’ la DOC del Portogallo

Il ‘Vinho Verde’ è una ‘Denominazione di Origine Protetta’, ed è tipico delle sinuose alture del Nord del Portogallo.  Esso trasuda vino dagli albori della viticoltura. Forse il ‘Vinho Verde’  si chiama così per il colore verde dei suoi vigneti . Oppure per le sue uve acerbe , raccolte in anticipo, perché va bevuto giovane.

Come ogni sommelier adoro andare in giro alla ricerca di nettari prelibati.  Tra questi annovero il ‘Vinho Verde’ , un vino fresco, erbaceo, sapido, con un sentore di frutta finale che stupisce.  Come la vita che ti regala sempre qualcosa di magnifico, quando meno te lo aspetti.

Viaggiare per me è una droga da cui non tento neppure di disintossicarmi.  Non perché così si stacco dalla routine, o perché fa tendenza, ma perché mi apre il cuore. Non smetto mai di imparare. Mi  fa infatti vedere le cose e la gente da una prospettiva diversa. Controllo meglio i problemi, me stessa e avverto una pace interiore e con l’universo immensa.

Il mio amore per il Portogallo mi porta alla cantina ‘Quinta de Torre’ di Andrè Amaral 

Il Portogallo non me lo tolgo proprio di dosso. A Pasqua del 2017 atterro per la prima volta a  Lisbona , che mi strega per il suo patrimonio artistico culturale, il calore del suo popolo e l’azzurro del suo oceano.

A Lisbona ci si perde tra i suoi vicoli irti e ciottolati. Lì si respira un passato glorioso fatto di esplorazioni e conquiste. Queste sono cantate nelle languide musiche del  fado , la cui malinconia o saudade si sente nell’aria. Questa musica triste pare manifestarsi al primo chiarore di luna, annidandosi tra i tavoli delle piccole taverne sempre a festa.

Nel 2018 mi dirigo invece ad Algarve, nella splendida Faro, una deliziosa cittadina lusitana, che ipnotizza con le sue falesie grandi  come giganti. Una villaggio di pescatori, che acceca lo sguardo con le sue interminabili distese di sabbia dorata e le sue acque  cristalline.

Per pura coincidenza o destino non lo so,  Andrè Amaral , responsabile di ‘Quinta de Torre’, una delle più prestigiose cantine di ‘Vinho Verde’  del Portogallo, naviga sul mio sito Due articoli dedicati a Lisbona e Faro lo incuriosiscono . E così  mi contatta  attraverso i social.

Food Life Style rivista ristoranti stellati
‘Food Life Style’ di Carmela Loragno

‘Vinho Verde’ una scommessa in Italia

Andrè segue assiduamente il mio diario di bordo virtuale, e  questo mio girovagare per posti, e personaggi straordinari . Ci si contatta via etere, e decidiamo di collaborare. L’obiettivo comune è valicare i nostri confini territoriali.  Io da reporter del vino  in Portogallo, e lui da esportatore del suo Vinho Verde nel nostro bel paese!

Mi rendo conto che si fa sul serio, quando Andrè mi spedisce a Pisa dei campioni dei suoi vini etichettati ‘San Caetano’ . Questi sono chiamati così in onore di una cappella all’interno del suo wine relais . Mi innamoro inevitabilmente di ognuna delle sei bottiglie di ‘Vinho Verde’. Perché penso potrebbero funzionare sia in Toscana che in Puglia!

Inizia la partita! 

Queste due regioni infatti sono per lo più vocate ai rossi. E penso che  i vini  ‘San Caetano’  potrebbero fare gola ai ristoratori delle coste tirreniche e adriatiche. Perchè? Perchè  queste bollicine sono esotiche, di alto livello, e  hanno ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Non male!

Sulla base del ragionamento su fatto, ho provato alla fine a lanciare il ‘‘Vinho Verde’  al Centro Sud. Ed ecco che in Toscana mi avvalgo dell’aiuto di Andrea Baldeschi .  Nel suo ristorante ‘Nautilus’ a Tirrenia comincio a organizzare delle cene con i vini  ‘San Caetano’ .  Questi sono perfetti per esaltare il gusto di ogni tipo di piatto leggero, di terra o di mare che sia. Ed è un successo!

Per la Puglia mi rivolgo invece a Orazio Sinigallia, un eclettico commerciante che promuove i vini  ‘San Caetano’ a Bari. Per merito di   Orazio  mi ritrovo poi a conoscere  Carmela Loragno, direttrice di  Food Life Style. Questa è una rivista stellata sulla gastronomia italiana. E per questa  scrivo una pagina tutta dedicata al ‘Vinho Verde’  e ai vini di  ‘San Caetano’ . Da energia si passa ad altra energia, e si finisce per  creare solamente good wibes!

Da Bruxelles a Marco de Canaveses, presso la cantina ‘Quinta de Torre’

Da settembre a dicembre 2019 sono stata impegnata a promuovere i vini ‘San Caetano’ per come su vi ho detto.  La richiesta di questi vini portoghesi è stata molto alta. Proprio come mi aspettavo. Poichè questi nettari bianchi non hanno assolutamente nulla da invidiare a un Riesling o a uno Chablis,  E per di più  il loro costo è decisamente più contenuto.

Il motivo dell’ accessibilità di questi vini portoghesi è dovuta ai costanti sforzi del Portogallo di competere sul mercato internazionale (soprattutto dopo il disastro della sua recessione economica iniziata negli anni Ottanta, e in parte guarita dagli interventi della ‘Comunità Europea’ ).

Bruxelles 2020

Bruxelles e Lory 

Sulla base dei risultati eccezionali in Italia per la promozione dei suoi vini,  finalmente Andrè mi ospita presso la sua cantina ‘Quinta de Torre’Marco de Canaveses . Il miracolo accade nel 2020. Trascorro Capodanno di quell’anno con la mia amica Lory a Bruxelles. E da qui volo verso il Portogallo per sperimentare con mano la bellezza di quei luoghi lontani.

Vorrei ringraziare  Lory che ha contribuito a questa mia avventura accogliendomi a casa sua a Bruxelles per l’ultimo dell’anno. Questo è anche un modo per esortarvi ad andare in Belgio, perchlé merita davvero. Ecco una lista dei posti da vedere:


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‘Podere Marcampo’ winery, Volterra, Tuscany

‘Podere Marcampo’ winery, Volterra, Tuscany

“Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.”

Paulo Coelho

‘Podere Marcampo winery , Volterra, Tuscany

Six years ago two things happened to change my life. First of all, I fell in love with Tuscany , and then I became a sommelier. These were the starting points allowing me to discover the hidden delights of the wine of Pisa . Its area is a charming sun kissed land, stretching from the hills to the sea, blessed by God, as beautiful as unexpected!

Wine runs deep in the veins of Tuscany, being woven into the cultural identity of this central Italian paradise. The wines of Pisa are synonymous with excellence thanks to the efforts of many skilled professionals.

Follow me reading my post about ‘Podere Marcampo winery’ , which is one of the most rappresentative wine enterprise  in Pisa. You’ll discover hidden treasure in the hills of Pisa.

‘Podere Marcampo Winery’ , the jewellery of the hills of Pisa

‘Podere Marcampo winery’ is one of the most important wine business  in the hills of Pisa.  ‘The hills of Pisa’ is not only a ‘DOC label’ , but also a ‘wine road’ , playing an increasingly important role in wine production in Tuscany . It’s  on the rise only recently , starting to get the recognition that is deserves.

‘The hills of Pisa’ meanders through the hills of the valley of the Era River and the lower part of the Arno Valley crossing a territory with traditions dating back to the time of the Etruscans.

‘Podere Marcampo winery’ is green! 

If you head towards this entrancing place you will be greeted by an environment almost untouched by modernity . It ranges from picturesque scenery of mesmerising color set amongst the trees to places, where wine and oil are still cultivated and produced in the traditional way.

‘Podere Marcampo winery’  is an organic biodynamic wine estate which reflects all the beauty and wine production potential of the ‘the hills of Pisa’


Claudia del Duca, the woman of the wine at ‘Podere Marcampo winery’

In February the first time I sipped the elegant wines of   ‘Podere Marcampo winery’   at ‘Terre di Toscana’. This was  a wine exhibition , which took place at the ‘Luna Hotel’ in Viarreggio. Claudia Del Duca, the owner of ‘Podere Marcampo winery’, invited me to visit her estate in Volterra.

Claudia was very friendly and  professional . What impressed me the most about her was her dedication to her work , and her love for wine,  which she  shared with her parents Genuino and Ivana del Duca.

A wonderful experience at ‘Podere Marcampo winery’

So, I arrived at ‘Podere Marcampo winery’ on a rainy day in late November in  ‘Podere Marcampo winery’  . It’ s a family farm business, which is surrounded by lush and verdant countryside. It produces both excellent and also rare red and white wines, extra virgin olive oil and grappa.

Claudia welcomed me with a big smile. Looking at this scene where sky and sea converge at the Tuscan horizon in an endless embrace, I felt overcome with emotion. We sat down in a small patio near the front of a  private residence, where we talked about the history of the whole family .


Genuino del Duca, the man of the wine at ‘Podere Marcampo Winery

Claudia explained that ‘Podere Marcampo winery’  was born in 1971 , when her father Genuino del Duca , having been promoted at work as a policeman, had moved from Abruzzo to Volterra . Then he  came up with the idea of transforming his passion for food and wine into a full time job.

Actually, Genuino del Duca wanted to create a new career in food and wine, so that he could resign from his day to day work as a policeman, and worked hard to make this dream come true! In the beginning it was not easy.  Though having climbed through the ranks at work , in 2001 he was able to open a small inn in Saline, a small town near Volterra.

The history of ‘Podere Marcampo winery’

By 2003 Genuino del Duca had earned enough money to open ‘Enoteca del Duca’, which is an exclusive restaurant in the center of Volterra. In 2005 he managed to buy ‘Marcampo’ a historic homestead, which had been abandoned though captured his heart as well as sparking his imagination.

Genuino del Duca restored ‘Marcampo’ shortly afterwards transforming it into what ‘Podere Marcampo winery’   is today! That is  an extraordinary holiday home , as well as a farm and winery, which is surrounded by 4 hectares of land.  Here he  takes care of his  best local grapes:

Genuino del Duca and his passion for wine 

Genuino  had to work hard to make his land suitable for wine growing because of the original salt and clay content of the soil. He had to plant the best rootstocks with roots to a maximum depth of 1 meter and did a lot for being successful.

Today, ‘Podere Marcampo winery’  is a real gem situated within a  national park known as ‘Le Balze’, which is a magical place where visitors can slow down and unwind. At ‘Podere Marcampo winery’ there are:

  • an outdoor swimming pool;
  • a sunlit terrace;
  • vineyards;
  • gardens;
  • olives tree

A tour at ‘Podere Marcampo Winery’

After a short walk through the vineyards Claudia explained the winemaking process starting with the working of the land to the bottling in the wine cellar and this for me was the best part of the tour.

In the tasting room I sampled high quality wines paired with homemade cured meats and local cheeses. ‘Podere Marcampo winery’  is completely hand worked by Genuino and Claudia and is organic, completely free of any pesticides.

A couple of million years ago this area lay at the bottom of the sea . That’s why  the soil is rich in fossil shells , and is characterised by a particular geology of sand, silt, clay and limestone . They have been stable for centuries giving a complexity, structure and minerality to these well balanced wines.

The wines of  ‘Podere Marcampo winery’

These are the best award winning labels I tasted:

‘Terrablu’: It’s a white wine made from Vermentino and Malvasia . The grapes are first processed by the modern technique of maceration in order to preserve all the aromas of the variety . There are four months of fermentation in temperature controlled stainless steel tanks. On the palate there are notes of lime, almond, green apple and white florals , with a unique sense of refreshing acidity, its charm being in its delicate, briny nose and long, fresh palate;

‘Giusto alle Balze’: It’s a red wine made from 100% Merlot. It’s vinified in stainless steel vats, then aged in oak barrels for 12 months. It’s left to settle for another 6 months before bottling. It is my favourite wine , because of its soft and sensual texture and approachable style. This wine has won the silver medal at ‘Mondial du Merlot’ in Lugano and the ‘Concours Mondial Merlot’ in Brussels;

‘Severus’: It’s a red wine made from a selection of 100% Sangiovese. It’ s  vinified in stainless steel vats then aged in oak barrels for 12 months.  This wine is  left to settle for another 12 months before bottling. Tasting of clove spice and cherries ,  it’s also savoury,  providing a wide range of tastes from the very earthy and rustic to the rounded and red fruit;

‘Marcampo’: It’s a red wine made from 50% Sangiovese and 50% Merlot.  These two varieties are vinified separately in stainless steel vats and blended after 12 months in oak barrels. The wine is left to settle for another 6 months before being bottled. It is a powerful combination of the sweet, juicy, fruit flavours of Merlot, and the rustic, sour-cherry tang of Sangiovese;

‘Genuino’: It’s a red wine made from 80% Sangiovese and 20% Merlot.  These two varieties are vinified separately in stainless steel vats and then blended and bottled after 10 months. It’s a medium bodied moderately tannic wine , with a lovely cherry flavour, which impresses with its ruby red, vinous though also fruity and floral, dry and firm taste.

From the start Genuino and Claudia make wines just as they envisage them. Their winemaking takes its course, the grapes being gently guided through a gentle process until they arrive at carefully selected barrels for resting, maturing and evolving.


The restaurant ‘Enoteca del Duca’ in  Volterra

After our fantastic wine tasting, Genuino , Claudia and myself made our way down to the ‘Enoteca del Duca , whic is their restaurant in the centre of Volterra. Genuino’s wife, Ivana runs this fine and intimate restaurant , which is equipped with a terrific outdoor garden and excellent wine cellar housed in a historic building situated  in  ‘Priori Square’

‘Enoteca del Duca offers a special kind of  gourmet cuisine . Its  menu changes according to the season and the availability of ingredients. My lunch   was really wonderful and the service impeccable. I tried their best wines along with their home-made pasta in beef broth and their boar stew.

Wine and food of top quality!

The quality of wine and food was outstanding, the ambience wonderfully inviting . When you go, ask to see their beautiful wine cellar , which is packed with many unknown treasures! Genuino’s family form a perfect team when it comes to satisfying food and wine lovers.

Claudia also organizes cooking classes at their farm demonstrating how to make fresh pasta or ‘focaccia’ whilst also allowing you to discover the secrets of homemade cake making all under the guidance of a professional Italian chef.

Volterra, amazing city in Tuscany

I thanked Genuino and Claudia warmly for the wonderful memories they had provided me. They had made me feel at home . Before going back to Pisa, it was a good idea to explore Volterra,because there is lot of things to see and to do!

The history of Volterra

Volterra is a delightful  medieval town . I think it well deserves a place in this list of the best towns of Tuscany . Its narrow streets are full of  old churches, palaces, secret chapels, intimate restaurants and alabaster shops , where you can watch artisans at work.

Alabaster has long been a big industry in Volterra. Softer and easier to work than marble, this translucent material was traditionally thinly sliced to provide windows for Italy’s medieval churches.

What to see in Volterra

The best way to appreciate Volterra is to walk through its cobbled lanes, enjoying :

3 things to visit in Volterra 

Other things to visit in Volterra include:

  1. The Alabaster Museum’: This museum is housed in the 13th-century Minucci Towers’. It boasts the ancient alabaster tradition of  Volterra has an . Art fans can watch sculptors at work and can purchase locally made alabaster in the studio shop;
  2. The Guarnacci  Museum‘: It houses the world’s largest collection of Etruscan funerary urns,  used to collect the ashes of the dead;
  3. Roman Cistern’: It’s located at the top of the hill by the ‘Medicean Fortress’The cistern, made of opus caementicium, had to supply the whole area of the ‘acropolis’ with water. It’s formed by a large rectangular room divided into three naves covered with a barrel vault with six pillars in stone blocks. The entire building can be dated to the first century. d. C. and for its capacity, which is about 1000 cubic meters, must have been built with public money.

Famous films set in Volterra

In recent years Volterra  has attracted international recognition for its connection with the ‘Twilight’ series of books and movies, part of the second movie ‘New Moon’ being set in Volterra though most of the movie was actually filmed in another Tuscan town.

More than 2000 years ago Volterra was a key trading center and one of the most important Etruscan cities and was protected by a wall four miles long, twice the length of the wall that encircles Volterra today. You can still see the mighty Etruscan gate, built from volcanic stone.

Bye Bye Volterra! 

Tuscany is a pretty large region, and all of it is stunning. There is so much to see and do that I can’t suggest any particular good guide or website! But even in the short time I spent here, there’s so much to recommend to you I don’t even know where to start!

It would be a good idea to enjoy any good wines in Tuscany ,  not just to drink them, but to experience  people, places, and cultures . The  Tuscans consider themselves the inheritors and stewards of a centuries-long legacy of beauty.

Every tree that’s planted, every farmhouse that’s restored, every road that’s re-routed — it’s all carefully considered not only on practical or economic merits, but also on aesthetics. Get lost among  this huge amount of artistic wonders!

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“Arrighi Winery”, Elba

“Arrighi Winery”, Elba

The most important thing is not what you find at the end of a race, but what you feel inside while running”  

Antonio Arrighi

“Arrighi Winery”, Porto Azzurro. Elba

At the end of the month of July , I visited  “Arrighi Winery”  . Meanwhile, I had the possibility to discover  all the beauty of  Elba , which is the largest  island of  the seven jewels of the   “Tuscan archipelago”.  According to a legend,  losing  her necklace in the  Tyrrhenian sea, Venus  created the  “Tuscan archipelago” , which also consists of :

Yes of course, rolling hillsides, sunflowers, cypresses and beautiful towns, but there’s much more in Tuscany, like  Elba,  a slice of paradise. This amazing Tuscan island is destined to be turned into one of the coolest destinations of Italy . Why? Becasue of f its terrific beach-laced coves, vineyards, azure waters,  mind-bending views, and more over!

“Arrighi Winery” a way to discover Elba

Elba is  probably most famous due to being the place, which Napoleon choose  for his exile in 1814–15 after his defeat at WaterlooNot a bad place to be banished I have to say! As a result of being elected  “Emperor of Elba” in 1814 , he left  a significant mark of his short reign. Whta? In particular , these magnificent  noble residences in Portoferraio, which is the main city of the island:

Elba is located 6.2 miles from the coastal town of Piombino, and, with an area of 86 square miles (223 square km), it’s an unspoilt pearl of  Tuscany: clear blue sea, sandy beaches, wonderful landscapes, and mild climate. There is  a varied vegetation of Mediterranean type, which is rich in olive groves and vineyards.

Elba is not a typical tourist destination

Being a spot off the beaten path , Elba is not a typical tourist destination,   Elba is infact mostly frequented by Tuscany residents. You’ll not find hordes of people or lines and crowds like in other Mediterranean islands, such as in Sicily or in Sardinia. So, if you want to avoid them too, book a trip in spring or early autumn !

Moreover, Elba is a land full of history: remains of the Etruscan, Roman and Medieval ages testify a fascinating past and  rich wine cultural heritage .

Above all, Elba is well worth being seen for the flavours of its cuisine too, which is made from simple dishes and fantasy. Being an island, Elba has several fish restaurants. Every morning, fishermen go offshore and fish all day. Lovely, in the late afternoon, they bring their catch to the island’ s restaurants.

If you haven’t visited Elba yet, you need to . Right now! This gorgeous small island is destined to be turned into one of your  must-see places !

Elba History

Being inhabited since pre-historic times,  Elba was discovered early on to be ripe with iron-ore deposits. Elba attracted a lot of ancient people, such as the Etruscans and the Greeks. They called it  “Aethalia” (which means “smoky place”, probably because of the smelting furnaces). Later the Romans, renamed   it “Ilva”,  established a naval base on the island.

Over the centuries Elba underwent many other invasions and dominations. In the early Middle Ages, Elba was ruled by Pisa, in 1290 by Genoa, in 1399 by the “Dukes of Piombino”, and in 1548 by Cosimo I de Medici of Florence. From 1596 until 1709 the Eastern part of Elba was under the Spanish Empire control for about 150 years, then the whole territory was conquered first by Naples, and finally by the French in 1802.

When Napoleon I abdicated in 1814, he was exiled to Elba, where he landed on May 4. Since then, Elba was recognized as an independent principality with Napoleon as its jing until February 26, 1815.  Thereafter, Elba was restored to Tuscan, with which it passed to unified Italy in 1860.


1st day , 23th July. Arrival in Portoferraio

Elba, is surprisingly easy to reach as well! I took a train from Pisa to Piombino Marittima . Then  from the station I had a short walk  to the ferry reaching  Elba in 45 minutes!

Approaching Elba, I was amazed at how massive and densely forested it was. After disembarking in pastel-hued Portoferrario, Elba’s largest city  founded by Cosimo I  de’ Medici in 1548, I headed down the red pedestrian pathway towards the town with a  tour of Napoleon’s Residences above mentioned.

I took lots of photos strolling around the cobbled streets of the cute Portoferrario, both in the city center and in the old town. I kept walking taking a hike to the De Medici fortress” , a great  example of a defensive military architecture of the XVI century.

Grand Duke of Tuscany Cosimo l  built this big complex of fortified walls  and  old forts (“Fort Falcone” , “Fort Stella”  and“Linguella Tower”)  as a defence against the Turkish attacks.  Without any doubt  from there I enjoyed  breath taking panoramic views.

Porto Azzurro is waiting for me! 

Then as the day was really sultry, I had to rest,  drinking a cold cola in one of  the many beach cafes which dotted the little port . My cola ice cubes turned into water fort the summer heat, while I was waiting in Portoferrario for   Antonio Arrighi. This multitalented wine entrepreneur  welcomed me at his winery in Elba for an  interview . Antonio picked me up at the bar and  drove me to  Porto Azzurro, a tiny fisher village where he lives and works.

Porto Azzurro  is  the second most important inhabited center of the island . It was a fortune to  spent three days in this quaint village, staying at the central  “Belmare Hotel” . After I unpacked my bags , Antonio and me had our lunch at “Sopravento restaurant” to speak about the interview.

First  my attention was captured by our succulent seafood dishes:

During our delicious lunch , Antonio started to talk about his life, while I was listening carefully. That’s all, time went by faster and faster . Yes, I can say that I was totally enchanted by his words, being completely absorbed in his speech!


Antonio Arrighi , the famous winemaker of Elba island

What about Antonio Arrighi ? Well, he was born in the room number 13 of  “Belmare Hotel” (where I was hosted, what an happy coincidence!) in Porto Azzurro.  Once this hotel belonged to his father, therefore Antonio was raised in a family of experienced hoteliers and restaurateurs with a long tradition of  hospitality in Elba.

In 1960, when tourism was booming in Elba, the  Arrighi Family started the hotel business, and in 1970 run a farm for its hotel clients producing different types of meat (pork, rabbit, etc), flowers, peaches and grapes. As a child Antonio was always involved behind the scenes.

In 1980 Antonio became  a sommelier (he is still being part of the Elba Delegation of “AIS Toscana”),  not only to take care of  his vineyards, but also for making excellent wine!

In 1995 a great opportunity knocked on his door , when Antonio undertook an ambitious project in collaboration with the Tuscan Region and with Paolo Storchi (senior researcher at CREA (“Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural of Arezzo”).

The ambitious idea of Antonio was about understanding which international grape varieties along with the local ones could grow in Elba. He found the answer in these grapes:

Antonio went on with planting these selected international grape varieties in Elba, being drought and diseases resistant.  Moreover, these international grape varieties complied with high quality standards and delivered consistent results time after time.

Antonio Arrighi’ s family

Since 2000 onwards Antonio was fully dedicated to his winemaking passion, which turned into his main activity. His family is very supportive .  Each of them helps Antonio with the wine business: Giulia is the young oenologist, Ilaria  deals with the marketing, and the little Matteo  is still growing up!

Piazza Matteotti in Porto Azzurro, Elba

After my  fantastic  lunch with Antonio  ,  I  went back to my hotel to sleep a little bit. Late in the evening after my little nap, I wandered through the narrow streets of Porto Azzurro:

From “Piazza Matteotti”  I continued down the main streets of the harbour:

  • Via Vitaliani” and “Banchina 4 Novembre” , which were coloured by the balcony flower pots,  by the souvenirs shops and by the moon which had risen over the harbour.

While I was relaxing with a wonderful “apericena” in the  nice “Bar Corinto”, I looked all around  noticing how much beauty was in every corner of this old fishing town.

Promise, I was fascinated  by the lush natural beauty of  Elba , by its enchanting harbour, and by its people sweetness. Though I am hardly in a position yet to recommend “the best’ of anything”, I experienced enough to suggest an enjoyable two-day itinerary. What’s more, I  will give you a glimpse of the treasures that Elba has to offer!

To begin with, I can tell you that most of the island is very panoramic. Definitely, It is because  there are no ugly buildings to be found .

Belmare Hotel, Porto Azzurro

2nd Day. The “Arrighi Winery”  in Elba island

My morning breakfast  “Belmare Hotel” in Porto Azzurro was an abudant buffet with fresh bread, marmalade and an hot black coffe  espresso .  I set outside on the terrace looking out to see the first light of the day. Meantime, the sea-gulls were playing with the wind,  while  the  fishermen where spreading their nets.

I was embraced by a warm  and Mediterranean atmosphere. Soon after , as the heat was closing in on me, I took a refreshing dip  in a small cove near Porto Azzurro city center. Nothing better than this! It set me up perfectly  for the upcoming wonder of my your in Elba, that is my visit to “Arrighi Winery”

“Arrighi Winery”, in the heart of Porto Azzurro

At about eleven o’ clock Antonio collected me from my hotel to visit  his estate in “Piano al Monte”,. Thi is  an area in the eastern hills of Porto Azzurro, within the “Tuscan Archipelago National Park” . We arrived at his winery after only a  few minutes drive. Then Antonio and I rode on a Quad , going  around  his amphitheatre of grapevines and his trekking wine paths in “Piano al Monte”.

While we rode  he talked about his tremendous existence! From what he said it’s clear that Antonio is very fond of his family and of his farmhouse, whose secret ingredients are passion, tradition, and innovation. With a production of about 40,000 bottles per year,  Antonio‘s property extends over 12 hectares, of which 7 are vineyards with 300 olive trees.

After this wine trip, I went into the office of  Antonio , writing down all that was useful for a better understanding of the wine production in Elba.

Elba , the terroir and the goal of Antonio Arrighi in  wine production 

If asked what Elba‘ s flagship wine is , we would probably answer Aleatico, or Ansonica. Of course,  these grapes  expresses the cultural roots and spirit of the island! In particular the goal of Antonio is not only to produce wine from these local grapes, but also to experiment with new ones. Those grapes,  which are best suited to the Elba with a proper  terroir  , which is unique in the world.

In brief, Antonio pointed out that viticulture has been always florid in Elba  for this particular terroir, that is the result of of the geological past of the Elba itself ! Elba  was infact the largest remaining portion of land that once connected the Italian peninsula to Corsica.

That’ why the Tuscan island  boasts a wide variety of  fertile terrains.  Basically Elba is made from iron and  clay, and different landscapes with high mountains, valleys, and small coastal plains. A third of the surface area is above 200m, and the highest point, which is  “Monte Capanne” (1019 meters above sea level).

Thus all of these pedoclimatic characteristics of Elba together with sea, sun and a mild climate, are fundamental for an high quality of its  wine production. Surely  , Elba  is full of wineries and vineyards , which occupy different terrains from distinct geological formations.  Because of these varied soils,  Elban wines flourish with unique organoleptic characteristics.

“Arrighi winery”, two lines of wine production

Antonio reminded me that the origin of Elban viticulture was very old.  This sector together with farming, fishing and iron and granite mining activities made up  a significant portion of the economy , before tourism’s environmental and social affected the island.

The best quality of Antonio is creativity. He has the imagination to create in his mind a wine . Later he knows how to  realise it in his winery. That’s because as Antonio says: ” winemaking is an art  as well as a science, and having the ability to think outside the box and to improvise, when needed, are critical skills to be successful”.

Antonio is intuitive and perceptive enough to be able to understand Elba ‘s  terroir and coax out its maximum potential. In this way,  his wines reflect their origin and have their own personality. It has led him to develop two lines of wine production:

  1. The first line is based on the historic grape varieties of the island:  Procanico (or Trebbiano), Ansonica (or Inzolia), Biancone, Riminese (or Vernaccia) for the white wines. Sangioveto, Tintiglia and the famous Aleatico for the red wines;
  2. The second line is  based on the international grape varietiesChardonnay, Incrocio Manzoni (Riesling and Pinot Blanc) and Viognier for the white wines.  Syrah, Sagrantino  and Tempranillo for the red wines.

What about wine tradition in Elba island? 

Furthermore, Antonio could already glimpse the enormous potential offered by Elba as a wine-making region. Its  wine heritage dates back to Greek  (10th Century B.C.), Etruscan (6th Century B.C.), and Roman (5th Century B.C.) period. All these ancient settlers left their indelible signs on winemaking in the island.
For example, there are traces of a glorious past in wine production and trading in two recent discoveries in Elba (2013) : five large terracotta amphorae in  a Roman Villa  , and other ones  found on board of roman shipwrecks around the island. These findings attest attest that the wine trade was already widespread in the island . This happened  thanks to methods suitable for the conservation and transport of this product.

Specifically, the importance of traditional knowledge in wine can be recognised for example in the the  vinification in terracotta amphorae.  As you’ll see in my post, Antonio displayed this old  technique thatwith scientific rigor in his winery!

However, viticulture in Elba wasn’t always picnic during the centuries. In general, there is no evidence relating to the  viticulture of Elba during Middle Age. But it’s documented that Elban wine had a good reputation and a trading for fair price in Tuscany.
On one hand, at  the end of 18th and for all the 19th century tthe  viticulture of Elba  enjoyed remarkable development, thanks also to Napoleon’ s attention to wine-growing and to the wines. On the other hand, between 1850 and 1860, following several disasters (mildew; vine louse), the wine production dropped dramatically in Elba.
Suddenly, in 1878  the wine production in the island recovered again. First It produced about 20 times more as the current production. F went down again. At that time Elba landscape was marked by vineyards terraces, covering the hillsides as high as 400 m above sea level.

What about wine production today in Elba island? 

By the way, from the ’60s there was a continuous decrease in number of vineyards in Elba due to the increase of tourism and urbanization. To summarize, today vineyards cover about 300 hectares of the island, and only about 125 of them are on the official “D.O.C. register”.
Until now,  most of the previous terracings are either covered in wild bushes and trees. Besides,  buildings have been put in their place.  Lastly, people tend to prefer growing vines where the ground is flat,  picking the grapes with modern machinery too.
It’s only in recent years that wines from Elba have gone up in quality, thanks to the commitment of a handful of well organised wineries and local organizations,  whose only aim is to obtain  high quality products.

The wines of “Arrighi Winery”, Elba

Listening to Antonio tall about his passion for Elba makes you wish to return again and again. I absolutely believe it , especially after tasting his labels in his winery with other wine lovers , all there aiming to grab  Elba‘s spirit.

Besides Antonios  Aleatico vinegar “Ace di Ale” , his liquors “Limoncino” / “Arancino”, and his olive oil, here are my top 9 reasons for your next trip to Porto Azzurro :

Unquestionably, my favourite products of this wonderful wine tasting from 2018 have been:

Why is Antonio Arrighi a talented winemaker in Elba island? Passion and hard work is the right answer ! 

Sometimes you just start to wonder if you actually want to recommend a place.  Because it will become even more popular and lose some of its authentic charms! However, “Arrighi Winery is just too good not no be mentioned! The wines were as fabulous as their reasonable prices.

Besides providing a very high standard wine tasting, Antonio went on answering all the question of other guests attending that incredible wine event in his winery.  Each of us was very happy  with  Antonio . He is such a gorgeous person . You can just feel the passion that he puts behind his work. Please, make yourself comfortable, and relax ! That’s not all about  Antonio !  Follow me for a litte bit more!

“Nesos”:  how the Greek made the sustainable underwater wine 2500 years ago

“Nesos”  is an attempt to revive, on the island of Elba, the mysterious  wine of Chios, famous in ancient times for its intense flavour  and its secret recipe!

At this point the question arises, whether Antonio is crazy or not! Certainly, he is a visionary pioneer with professional skills. Thereupon, wine experts and universities decided to collaborate with him to support this challenge, that combines oenology and archaeology .

To begin with, in 2018 Antonio  organized the  “Elba Aleatico Day “ , a wine and oil exhibition supported by the “AIS of Elba” and by the “Ministry of Agriculture”. In this conference he met Attilio Scienza, a well-known agronomist at Milano University, which was his main partner in launching this extraordinary   experiment.

Why don’t to resurrect a marine wine said to be favoured by Julius Caesar?

Primarily, this experiment witness the  interest of Antonio in recreating a kind of  sustainable wine as ancient vine growers did in Chios! Reviving the underwater wine was a big discovery  for this crazy winemaker from  Elba  for two important reasons.

First, because of  saltwater! It worked as a  natural  antioxidant and disinfectant agent! Subsequently, there is no more need for sulphites in making wines!  Second, saltwater get rid of  the waxy white surface bloom, and allows the fruit to dry quickly in the sun. This preserves more aromas, being  so tasteful unlike anything else.

The adventure of producing “Nesos” in the blue sea of Porto Azzurro

First of all, Antonio and his team reproduced this ancient process using Ansonica grape variety, also known as Inzolia. They are which are similar to the old grapes used  for  making the famous wine in Chios. After the harvesting, he pulled down Ansonica grapes into the sea water of Porto Azzurro down to approximately 7 meters for 5 days.

After that, Antonio took Ansonica grapes held in Sardinian wicker baskets out of the sea water. In the end, he dehydrated these grapes , drying them on mats. Finally,  Antonio   vinified the grapes in terracotta amphorae, which found its place once again in winemaking after many centuries a with minimal interventions!

What kind of wine is “Nesos”?

Previewing this “old greek wine” at “Arrighi Winery”, before it’s improved year after year and released to retail, makes me feel real special  ! “Nesos”  is a strong and sapid wine ,  gold in colour. The nose is round. It  is played on particular hints of  yellow apple fruit  followed by peat and seaweed aromas, as well as broom flowers typical of Elba. It is delicate and refreshing, with a savoury olive finish.

“Vinum Insulae”, a video trailer by Stefano Muti about “Nesos”

Given that, there is also a documentary film called “Vinum Insulae” shot by Stefano Muti , which immortalizes  Antonio’s undertaking . This is a 15 minutes trailer, which was awarded at the Marsille’s Film Festival “Aenovideo 2019” .

My wine and life experience at “Arrighi Winery was unforgettable. It’s really unbelievable how a strong passion for the territory and wine drove  Antonio to make his dreams come true. He  must try new approaches and think out of the proverbial box!


Before saying Bye Bye to the magic Elba! 

After the superb wine tasting, I wallowed in a turquoise sea at “Barbarossa Beach” on the way  back to my hotel on the last day of my holiday. “Barbarossa” is one of the most beautiful and popular beaches of the of Porto Azzurro. You can get there on foot from Porto Azzurro harbour thanks to a path that runs along the coast, passing under the prison’s walls.

Walking along this beautiful scenic path you can arrive at the “Barbarossa Beach” in about 15 minutes. “Barbarossa Beach”  has a sandy shore mixed with multicoloured pebbles ranging from red to grey and brown. It has both free access and beach clubs, offering rental services of umbrellas, sunbeds and paddle boats.

“Locanda Cecconi”, where to eat in Elba island

It was pleasant to stay at the “Barbarossa Beach” till my stomach rambled! I went away to have a shower in my hotel dreaming for my last dinner in the Island. I booked at “Locanda Cecconi” as Antonio suggested! Federico with his mother run this cosy and friendly restaurant in the heart of Porto Azzurro.

I had the best grilled octopus of my life, which was served on a creamy potato and on home-made bread. My friend Walter Tripicchio joined me for the dessert time. He entertained me finely with his anecdotes about Elba and about his delightful  “Scoglio Bianco Hotel”, which is situated in the appealing bay of Viticcio.

Thanks Antonio!

Antonio never ceases to amaze! When he doesn’t work at his vineyards, he jogs early at 5 o’ clock in the morning. In this way , he proves his fidelity to have been an excellent triathlon runner  and traveller in the past.

Due to lack of time, cannot travel so much  anymore. Furthermore,  being ambassador of his island, Antonio  does not have a moment of rest, participating  in the most important trade fairs, or attending university lectures halls as a teacher . I have fallen in love with Elba . I cannot wait to return! Go to Elba if you want a good  life, and  let me know if you need my help and tips !

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ITB Berlin 2019

ITB Berlin 2019

“I still keep a suitcase in Berlin”

Marlene Dietrich

“ITB  Berlin 2019”, an international tourism event 

Are you attending the ITB Berlin 2019″ , or considering it next year? Here are a few good reasons why you should do it , as well as some insights on how to get the most out  of it.

ITB Berlin 2019″ is the the world’s leading travel trade show. On March 6-10 2019  travel professionals dealt with  industry experts.  And had the opportunity to meet over 10,000 exhibitors represented in 26 halls ,  1,000 qualified top buyers, and attendees from 187 countries.  It simply cannot be missed!

ITB Berlin 2019″  was held at the Messe Berlin”. Ths is an enormous  building at Messedamm 22, near Charlottenburg and Savigny Platz in Berlin, where I booked a nice hotel for my stay .

“ITB  Berlin 2019” is a must for the professionals of tourism!

The ITB Berlin 2019″ is the world’s largest tourism trade fair. The companies represented at the fair include hotels, tourist boards, tour operators, system providers, airlines and car rental companies. It began in 1966 as a small event in the framework of an overseas import trade show that developed into a true global success.

The original five participating countries and regions grew to over 180, the first 250 trade visitors increased to over 114,000 and the exhibition space expanded from 580 m² to today’s 160,000 m².

Lot of time passed since it all began , and in the meanwhile  the tourism industry developed into one of the world’s most important economic factors.


My personal experience in Berlin

For European enterprises, travel experts/lovers and bloggers it is a must to be at ITB Berlin 2019″ , because It is very important to learn more about competitors and to be updated about tourism industry developments.

It  mirrors the current trends of the global travel industry, and reminds those working in the sector of great challenges around the world in this field, such as the digital transformation.

I was really honoured to partner with ITB Berlin 2019″  as an accreditated networker. It was my very first time , and also an exceptional showcase for my activity as owner of “. This is my professional activity in the educational and tourism filed based in Pisa.

“The British Berliner”, a special travel blog by Victoria Ade Genschow

As I arrived at the ITB Berlin 2019″  I got scared , because It was so big. I thought I wasn’t able  to walk all around for so many hours! Of course I was also concerned about maximizing the time available for that colossal event.

I wanted to see everything, talk to everyone and to experience everything else. Actually, I didn’t get lost , because thanks to  Victoria Ade-Genschow and her  blog The British Berliner” with helpful tips for the ITB Berlin 2019″  , I knew what to expect and what to do before .

I had the joy of meeting  Victoria Ade-Genschow  personally . She spoke about her job as a talented and famous international lifestyle &  travel blogger. So, she shared some secrets for good blogging with me.

Wine and friendship 

All that was a strong emotion for me sipping white Brasilian wine  together with other nice people! I was enchanted by Victoria Ade-Genschow . We made friendship and she was my reference point for anything concerning travelling, tourism and blogging,  and she  is still!

Victoria Ade-Genschow  was the best part of that incredible adventure.  During the ITB Berlin 2019″ I build new relationships with other professional travel /wine bloggers and experts in the industry of cultural and educational tourism ,  which was essential to bring in new customers and grow my business.

“ITB 2019”, a virtual journey around the world

What made me excited about ITB Berlin 2019″ was my  virtual journey around the world! In an instant I visited Europe, Asia, Arabia,  America, Australia simply going from one stand to another one,  and suddenly I got the desire to leave for an exotic destination and to never come back !

Why not discovering Malaysia, and then Abu Dabi, Mexico, or Paris ? Hanging on at ITB Berlin 2019″  I organized my “world trip” geographically and  thematically according to my interests  ! In several exhibition halls, the latest travel trends were also presented across countries and regions. These include, for example, medical  or responsible tourism, youth & adventure or wellness travel.

Italy at “ITB Berlin 2019”

Italy was represented at the ITB Berlin 2019″  by the Enit”, the national agency for promoting the image of the Italian tourist offer. At its pavillon  n 12  the Italian   launched Italy promoting  culture, art, wine and food!

The importance of technology for tourism

I liked the ITB Berlin 2019″ space reserved to travel technology a lot, because established companies and ambitious start ups boosted  their latest innovations. While several forums highlighted important developments from the world of apps, mobile websites, social networks and blogs.

I realized how most travel businesses were moving rapidly to adapt, integrate or evolve digital system that controlled nearly aspects of their business operations, from marketing to customer service to distribution.

Technology helps tourism , but cannot replace the importance of the human contatc!

Last but not least, ITB Berlin 2019″  confirmed, once again, that any form of real business could not work properly without the virtual one, and vice versa. Even in a digitalised world, It was not possible at  ITB Berlin 2019″  to replace the confidence-building measure that face-to-face meetings and a direct exchange between business partners on issues concerning the travel global industry represented.

12 Tips for visiting the “ITB Berlin”

I set clear goals for my ITB Berlin 2019″ ! I planned my time and schedule  in advance , because ITB Berlin 2019″   was a massive event.

If you want to make your experience at the ITB Berlin next year a success, then you need to be organized! Here my  tips:

  1. Visit the website of the ITB Berlin 2019″  to have and download all the useful info to get around the venue;
  2. Print your  badge before to avoid boring queues;
  3. Register/Complete your “ITB Profile”;
  4. Sign up and confirm all your  appointments . And send a reminder email to people about your  meetings;
  5. Check out how to get at the ITB Berlin 2019″  , and the map of the Messe Berlin”  to move around easily;
  6. Plan your visit but be flexible. It   is broken up into sections such as Europe, Asia, America, Arabia, Australia,. And you can change your schedule , as you may find that the exhibitor is a little busy at the time you want to go;
  7. Make sure you plan for some rest during the day, because you can get caught up in visiting every exhibitor;
  8. Dress Smart! The official attire is business wear, being slightly formal and wearing a suit or at least smart-casual will be the best choice!
  9. Wear comfortable shoes for  working extended hours on your  feet;
  10. Take with you packed lunch and  water in your  bag ; walking and talking is exhausting and you need to keep your energy levels up;
  11. Have  enough business card media kit to hand , there are so many opportunities to network with agents, tour operators, tourist boards, hotels, airlines, and other influencers just to name a few; aim to have more than you need!
  12. Don’t forget to bring your phone , a portable charger,  a note pad or a small agenda to write down all the ideas, names, brands and whatever else came to your  mind during  this event.


Bye Bye Berlin. “Es kommt mal gut”!

ITB Berlin 2019″ was more than what I could ever have imagined! All that I experienced there  was really important to maximize my productivity  as I attended many stands, presentations, and networking events run  by experts and bloggers. There were also areas where the focus was industry job opportunities,  as well as shows, parties,  concerts and culinary treats rounds.

ITB Berlin 2019″ was not  only for me  an exclusive business event where to be, but It also  provided an energetic and entertaining atmosphere each day, and for  sure I  had lots of fun along the way and met amazing people.

At the end of this incredible life experience I went out to  my favorite restaurant  “Schwarzes Café”  with some German friends. It was a way  to remember my “Berliner Zeit” and how Berlin added value to my life!


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Fibbiano winery and the wines of the hills of Pisa

Fibbiano winery and the wines of the hills of Pisa

‘A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world’

Louis Pasteur

The wines of Pisa hills

If you’ve just booked  an holiday in the magic  Tuscany,  you’ll soon be wondering: “what wines should I drink when I’m there?”. Surely,  one can answer  the wines of  ‘Chianti’ !

The wines of ‘ Chianti’ are really popular indeed. They come from the valleys between the great Tuscan Renaissance cities of Siena and Florence . Exactly here for a thousand years the landscape is made up of an unchanged medieval tapestry of woodlands, olive groves and cypress trees, all guarded by magnificent aristocratic villas.

What you should  know is that    Tuscany boasts other different and dynamic zones. One of these is for example  the rolling hills of Pisa and its province, namely the  ‘Terre di Pisa D.O.C.’ , which was founded in 2011!

Since then,  15 wineries have been enhancing  the quality of the wine production of Pisa and its province, promoting the wine appellations of ‘ Terre di Pisa Sangioveseand ‘Terre di Pisa Rosso’  in the international markets.

‘Terre di Pisa’ , a new project for a better tourism in Pisa

On the 6th December 2018 I attended a conference press at  the ‘Chamber of Commerce of Pisa’. It was hold in order to launch the project of ‘Terre di Pisa . What about it? It’ is the new tourist brand  for promoting  the cultural heritage  of  Pisa and its wine making tradition .  It counts about 460 members, including  ‘’ as well!

On that occasion, I met Nicola Cantoni , the moderator of that event. Nicola has a handshake you remember. One quickly understands Nicola as a winemaker committed to what is important in the Tuscan winemaking tradition. But guess what!

Nicola is the owner of ‘Fibbiano winery”‘, which belongs to the 15 wineries  representing the excellence of wines produced in the territory of Pisa and its province . In a word, Nicola invited me to visit his winery, giving me the possibility to experience the renaissance of the wine  of  Pisa and its province. Thus I will be always  grateful for that!

Consortium  of the wines of Pisa’, an important wine community of Pisa and its province

While attending the press conference about ‘Terre di Pisa‘,  I found out that Nicola is not only a talented winemaker , but also  president of the  Consortium  of the wines of Pisa’ This  wine committee  was founded in 2018 to :

With the sunny season approaching fast, It was time for me  to plan my visit  at ‘Fibbiano winery’. But, It was quite impossible to fix a date for me  with  Nicola , being always busy for his job  ! Suddenly, his brother  Matteo Cantoni was the perfect solution to the problem! Fortunately, Matteo  was free to welcome me at ‘Fibbiano winery’   with open arms!

‘Fibbiano Winery’. How to make high quality wines in Pisa and its province

Lucky me! During a a weekend in March, I decided to came up at ‘Fibbiano winery’, which is home to  a terrific  modern winery and  an enchanting farmhouse. This enchanting estate is located at n. 2 via Fibbiano , in the municipality of Terricciola. This is a stunning  part of Tuscany, which is called the Era Valley (between  Pisa and Volterra). This enchanting territory is fast becoming an essential reference point for Tuscan wine, indeed for Italian wine. 

As I arrived at ‘Fibbiano winery Matteo  greeted me with a friendly smile . To begin with, Matteo was very kind with me. I had my interview with him about his farmhouse together with an exclusive wine tasting of their best wine labels. First Matteo told me all about the history of his family. 

Then I visited the cellar and the vineyards of the ‘Fibbiano winery. Finally,  I had my great wine tasting in a enchanting wine cellar.

The history of  ‘Fibbiano winery’ 

In 1997 Giuseppe Cantoni, with his wife Tiziana and sons Matteo and Nicola, moved from  Lombardy to Tuscany. They were looking for  a successful  wine making business living a life far away from the noise of the city and close to nature.

Therefore, they purchased a  medieval villa at that time, that belonged to the noble family Gherardi del Testa Barasaglia in the 12th century . They  renovated it all and turned it into what ‘Fibbiano winery is today, a thriving agricultural entrepreneurship.

An adventure from the North to the South

Their adventure from North Italy in Tuscany  was not only the result of a  desire to search for  their el dorado, but  also  a sign of destiny printed in one of their first  label Fonte delle Donne’  .  This exquisite white wine is made from Colombana, an old grape that grew spontaneously around a miraculous water source near the estate.

According to tradition, the Colombana grape was introduced by San Columbanus ‘ followers in the 17th century , when these famous Irish abbots decided to settle here living behind their Milan area. Upon their arrival in their estate, Cantoni Family realized they were not the only foreigners who fell  in love with Tuscany,  finding  the right place where to be !

Bringing to light  the old farmstead was not easy, but all that work  devoted to transform an old ruin into a jewellery was fully rewarded, as Cantoni Family carries on a prospering farming activity today, respecting land and the local traditions. Giuseppe, the father, deals with the general management of the middle age estate and takes care of the vineyards and countryside. Matteo, the eldest of the two sons, is in charge of marketing the wines and his brother, Nicola, is the winemaker .

The grapes of ‘Fibbiano winery’

Fibbiano’s philosophy is to continue on this thread of culture and tradition, cultivating indigenous grape varieties, such as Sangiovese, Canaiolo, Ciliegiolo, ColorinoS. Colombana, and Vermentino ,  instead of more international grapes. Fattoria di Fibbiano extends over an area of about 20 hectares of vineyards, 5 hectares of olive groves, 12 hectares of woodland and the rest is arable land.

Some vineyards (around 2.5 hectares) are over 100 years old and 17.5 hectares are up to 20 years old. This  mixture of old vines and new vines  keeps the vineyard alive, with red grapes planted on the top of the hill, and white grapes on the lower parts.  Due to Fibbiano‘s proximity to the Mediterranean and Ligurian seas, the soil originates from the sea and is rich in fossil shells from the pliocene epoch, and medium-textured corals .

In terms of climate, this part of Tuscany has warm sea breezes during the day and cooler nights, which helps the grapes to retain acidity and develop flavour. This particular terroir provides to complex wines with a certain minerality,  and aging capability.

‘Fibbiano winery’ is green!

I appreciated a lot of things, above all that ‘Fibbiano winery  is certified organic. Their practices, farming and wine-growing methods are truly natural. They even use  their own wood for central heating. Further, this sustainable winery uses a solar plant to conserve energy and produce fresh water.

They are always ready  to face new challenges, not least of which  exporting 80% of their wine to the following countries: United States, Canada, Norway, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, China, Russia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Lebanon, Mexico.

The wines of ‘Fibbiano winery’

The best part of this incredible life experience was my top wine tasting. I was led to a lovely wine bar with a large wooden table full with  Fibbiano  Best Wines and platters of Tuscan salami, pecorino and bread.  I sampled 6 different Wines, guided by Matteo who talked me through what I was enjoying, from the colour/appearance, the bouquet/smell and then the flavour.

Each wine was different, but wonderful in its own way.  I tried red and white wines, but the majority of the ones I  tried were red. Most of them are  made from the Sangiovese grapes and some are mixed with other grapes to produce  new fantastic blends.

White and rosé

Red wines

  • ‘Le Pianette IGT Toscana’ : This is a 70% Sangiovese and 30% Colorino wine;  It  is aged for 6 months in barrels of Slavonian oak and 3 months in bottle;
  • ‘Casalini Chianti Superiore DOCG’ : This is an 80% Sangiovese and 20% Ciliegiolo wine. It is aged for 8 months in barrels of Slavonian oak and 3 months in bottle. It has the typical notes of cherry . It is  a well-structured wine with smooth tannins;
  • ‘Aspetto IGT Toscana’ :  This is a 50% Sangiovese and 50% Canaiolo wine. It is aged for 12 months in tonneaux, 6 months in cement tanks, and 6 months in bottle. This is an intense ruby red wine with notes of mature red fruit and spices;
  • ‘Ceppatella IGT Toscana’ : This is a 100% Sangiovese wine, which is made with grapes selected from the oldest vineyard of the estate – it’s a 120 years old vineyard . It is a wine aged for 6 months in tonneaux , 14 months in barrels of Slavonian oak, and 5 months in bottle. It has notes of marmalade, spices, tobacco, and cacao and a long persistence.

Matteo entertained me happily and answered all my questions  by sharing  the secrets of their quality wines: “Sun, soil and patience”!

The wine of Pisa hills

‘Fibbiano wineryoffers up a bunch of very tasty wines for wine lovers and experts to experience. It is situated predominantly in the wine trail of the Pisa hills, an itinerary through the Tuscan countryside, which highlights many small towns that boast great traditions. It’s an area between Pisa and Volterra, and it  extends in the vicinity of the Arno, Egola and Elsa rivers. It embraces  stunning landscapes and places, such as  Casciana Terme, Capannoli, Chianni, Crespina, Lari, Palaia, Ponsacco, Terricciola, Cascina, Collesalvetti, Fauglia, Laiatico, Lorenzana, Montopoli Valdarno, Peccioli, Pontedera, Santa Luce, San Miniato and Collesalvetti .

The rolling hills of Pisa  gives birth to top red & white wines:

‘Fibbiano winery’ ,  the essence of the wine tradition in Pisa

Like other talented wine producers within  this zone , ‘Fibbiano winery’ is an example  of Pisa’s great winemaking potential, that is  only to be revealed in all its splendour.  I am feeling optimistic that this area is set to receive long overdue attention. Matteo was an excellent guide and wine educator

It was so natural for him to explain all that concerned his farm and how wine is made from grapes to wine. His passionate wine tasting remains for a long time among my memory . I am eager  to learn much more about the super wines of Pisa, that’s why another visit to ‘Fibbiano winery’ will be a must!

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