Tenute Delogu, Alghero. Sardegna

Tenute Delogu, Alghero. Sardegna

“Faremo scherzi al vento,  lo chiuderemo in una stanza,

ma promettiamo di liberarlo , se ci aiuterà a volare” 

P. Marras

‘Tenute Delogu’, Alghero in un bicchiere

Andare ad  Alghero è come essere in ‘compagnia di uno straniero’, parafrasando una famosa canzone di Juni Russo .Ti innamori e hai voglia di ritornarci! A Luglio, in  meno di un’ora di volo da Pisa e attero per la seconda volta ad Alghero   per dirigermi alle ‘Tenute Delogu .

Per fare cosa ? Per riprendermi il cuore lasciato in questo gioiello incastonato nella ‘Riviera del Corallo’  a  Nord Ovest della Sardegna . Ancora ebbra dei paesaggi, della gente, dei colori, degli odori, e del vino,  sorseggiando un calice di bollicine  Chelos’  delle ‘Tenute Delogu  , vi racconto la mia storia!

 ‘Tenute  Delogu’, Alghero

Piero Delogu  , proprietario del wine resort le  ‘Tenute Deloguviene a prendermi all’aeroporto di ‘Fertilia Alghero’ . Ci eravamo già conosciuti all’ hotel ‘Carlos V di Alghero’, in occasione di una degustazione dei vini d’eccellenza, grazie a Valeria Crabuzza, manager di ‘Alghero Conciergie’.  Dopo pochi minuti  di tragitto raggiungiamo la nostra destinazione , cioè le  ‘Tenute Delogu, dove ci aspetta il figlio Lorenzo.

Piero , classe 1962, nasce a Ittiri , Sassari.  Praticamente Piero  inizia la sua carriera lavorativa alla fine degli anni Ottanta.  Partendo da zero  si dedica alla produzione di  impianti all’avanguardia di mungitura degli ovini.

Nel giro di pochi anni raggiunge un grande successo e reinveste quanto guadagnato nella realizzazione dell’azienda ‘Carpenterie Metalliche’  (attività di progettazione sviluppo e realizzazione di strutture in profilati di acciaio), nell’acquisto di dieci ettari di zona industriale e nella costruzione di appartamenti da rivendere a Olmedo.

Il Film ‘Bianco di ‘Babbudoiuou’ girato a ‘Tenute Delogu’ con ‘Pino e gli anticorpi’

Questi sono alcuni dei  capitoli della vita di Piero, raccontanti  con un gran sorriso, che dura per il tutto il tempo che siamo in macchina verso la  sua elegante bottaia. Proprio in questi spazi dove ci troviamo con  Piero, è stato girato il film comico ‘Bianco di Babbudoiuou’ del 2016  diretto da Igor Biddau .

Con l’esordio cinematografico del trio comico ‘Pino & gli anticorpi’ e la partecipazione dell’ esotica Caterina Murino, la vicenda narra di tre fratelli sardi, Michele, Roberto e Giusy. Questi giovani mandano avanti  un vigneto, che produce l’ottimo ‘bianco di Babbudoiu’.  Volenterosamente loro desiderano esportare il vino anche in Cina, ma quando il fondo europeo necessario per il progetto viene a mancare, gli sfortunati devono restituire una somma considerevole alla banca. Tutto ‘made in Sassari’ !

‘Vini Delogu’, il meglio di Alghero 

Nel 2004 nasce ‘Tenute Delogu‘,  da 5 ettari di superficie vitata sotto il  Nuraghe di Palmavera  tra le campagne dorate e pianeggianti  della Nurra e il mare cristallino di Alghero, la cui brezza soffia gentile in una zona dove la coltivazione della vite è una tradizione antica.

Si tratta di un terreno con caratteristiche uniche per la viticoltura, con i suoi inverni miti ed estati ventilate.  Ed è proprio in questo territorio, fatto di argille rosse, calcare e ricco in minerali, che si adagiano i filari (allevamento Guyot) di:

Vitigni autoctoni e internazionali di grande pregio,  che Piero cura personalmente insieme al giovane enologo Antonio Puddu e la consulenza esterna di Piero Cella ( della scuola di Tachis!) .

6 etichette di vino firmate Delogu

Un patrimonio vitivinicolo straordinario , di cui  Piero ne ha subito  capito il valore. Amore e attaccamento alla terra e ai suoi collaboratori è tutto racchiuso  nei  nomi delle sei  etichette dell’azienda vinicola (circa 100 mila bottiglie annue):

7 giorni in Paradiso, wine relais  ‘Tenute Delogu’

Piero e Lorenzo mi accolgono come se fossi di famiglia. La mia vacanza  inizia sotto un sole cocente di Luglio nell’orto delle ‘Tenute Delogu,  ettari di terra in cui sono coltivati e allevati  tutti i loro prodotti a km 0!

Allievo la calura estiva con  una doccia fredda nella mia camera ‘il Grappolo’, arredata con gusto e dotata di tutti i comfort, un tuffo nella magnifica  piscina tra palme e cicas ed è ora di cena. Mi incammino attraverso un percorso di fiori e statue in pietra.

Una luna gigante e il sottofondo delle cicale mi accompagnano fino al ristorante della ‘Tenute Delogu, composto da una sala interna ed una esterna su prato. Decisamente un’ incantevole  location immersa nel verde alle quali fanno da cornice delle scenografiche cascate.

Cucina sarda per il piacere dei palati più curiosi

Conosco Vincenzo il cuoco, un signore gentile, che mi anticipa il menù della cena, senza svelarmi però i segreti della sua cucina. La tradizione sarda in tavola, tra mirto, vini superbi e tavoli sapientemente imbanditi con antipasti di verdure e altro ancora:

Piero e Lorenzo mi guardano con aria soddisfatta, perché faccio fuori tutto compiaciuta! Si fa tardi e gli ospiti della sala tornano a casa loro con un’aria leggera di chi è stato bene. Piero e Lorenzo continuano il romanzo della loro vita.

Passione, costanza, perseveranza,  duro lavoro, attaccamento alla terra, rispetto delle tradizioni,  modernizzazione strutture aziendali, amore per la gente: gli ingredienti del loro successo. Incredula di quanta bellezza ci sia in ogni gesto loro, mi sento per un attimo come la protagonista di una favola.

L’attenzione ai dettagli fa la differenza e io l’ho provato sulla mia pelle! Ascolto con grande ammirazione un padre e un figlio che portano avanti il loro progetto di vita . E con molta naturalezza mi rendono partecipe di questa gioia tra una telefonata e l’altra, mille pensieri per iniziare la giornata a seguire, compreso il mio tour !

Non ho con me un orologio, e la sveglia per alzarmi  la mattina alle ‘Tenute Delogu,  non serve. Apro la finestra e davanti a me lo spettacolo in prima fila di una natura rigogliosa. Colazione, e giro per le tenute: parcheggio  molto ampio, spazi immensi costellati da due blocchi di appartamenti nuovi del residence,  cantina e  vigneti.

Cerco un po’  d’ombra e la trovo sotto una folta  bouganvillea , leggo la mia guida sulla Sardegna e sogno di percorrere  tutta la costa Nord Occidentale , perché la posizione della tenuta a tal proposito è strategica. Seguitemi!

10 Posti Top da non perdere vicino Alghero

Essendo siciliana, non mi sono stupita del lauto pranzo in famiglia sarda in campagna da amici di Piero ! Divoro voracemente spaghetti al tonno con gamberi freschi, parago con patate, insalata di polpo, tre tipi di formaggio,  ‘casu marzu compreso, e vassoi di dolci infiniti!  Sicuramente avendomi visto un po’ troppo ‘secca’ , come si dice dalle mie parti, Piero ha ben pensato di farmi fare il pieno prima di portarmi ovunque!

‘La spiaggia delle Bombarde’

‘La spiaggia delle Bombarde’ si estende per un  chilometro di sabbia finissima affacciata su un mare azzurro, rallegrato  dalla dolcissima Anna Paola, che prepara le cozze cotte al carbone nel suo lido.  Una mezzaluna sabbiosa lunga quasi un chilometro che si inarca su un mare dai mille riflessi colorati e  incorniciata da rocce vulcaniche .

‘La Spiaggia della Pelosa’

La ‘Penisola di Stintino’ regala angoli di paradiso come la ‘Pelosa’, una spiaggia tropicale che si affaccia  sul  Golfo dell’ Asinara. Una delle caratteristiche più incredibili sono le sue acque calme e limpide. La spiaggia infatti  è al riparo dai venti ed protetta dal mare aperto dai faraglioni di Capo Falcone.


‘Cala Mugoni’ 

‘Cala Mugoni’ è posta a ridosso di una pineta, che richiama a se nelle ore più calde tanti bagnanti alla ricerca di ombra e refrigerio. Questa cala  di sabbia bianca calda e mare blu si trova nei pressi di Porto Conte.  Si presenta con un lunga distesa di sabbia bianca non troppo fine e calda, di circa due kilometri e mezzo.


Fertilia  fu fondata nel 1933 con lo scopo di diventare il centro economico amministrativo di tutta la zona rurale della Nurra di Alghero, colpisce per la sua terrazza severa  prospiciente un porticciolo. Si tratta di un progetto del regime fascista , che voleva creare una ‘città ideale’, una sorta di alter ego della catalana Alghero. Oggi  Fertilia  è una borgata tra mare e laguna nel nord-ovest della Sardegna, che conserva memoria di vicende singolari

Sughera di Suni 

Forse abbiamo perso l’abitudine di apprezzare un buon tappo di sughero, di odorarlo, o di giocarci con le dita. Forse non ci siamo mai chiesti come e dove venga prodotto e in che stato di salute si trovi. Ma un viaggio in Sardegna ci può aiutare, specie a Suni. In questa zona nella  provincia di Oristano ci sono delle importanti sughere  come a  Suni  , comune  noto per la produzione di sughero e Malvasia.


Bosa è un incantevole e affascinante borgo mediterraneo fatto di case colorate, dove tradizione e modernità si fondono. C’è  un centro storico ottimamente conservato e nei dintorni si possono ammirare colline e valli. Potrebbe essere un’idea per una fuga dalla frenesia della vita quotidiana!


Alghero è un esclusivo luogo di villeggiatura a prova di tutte le stagioni. Posta a  Nord Ovest della Sardegna, Alghero incanta per l’atmosfera leggera ed elegante che si respira. E di sangue catalano, una cittadina superba e altezzosa, che ti abbraccia e non si fa scordare con i suoi paesaggi mozzafiato, le strette viuzze piene di storia, e un mare tra i più belli che abbia mai visto.

Ristorante ‘Sa Mesa’ ad Alghero

Per capire ed assaporare in fondo il meglio dell’ enogastronomia Sarda vi consiglio di fare un salto al ristorante ‘Sa Mesa’  ad d Alghero . Qui  si fa una  cucina tipica ,  rivisitata con  la ricerca dei migliori prodotti locali.

Piero Marras e i ‘Tazendas’ nelle magnum dei vini Delogu

L’unico rimpianto quello di non cogliere i segni del destino, del  mio volo di ritorno cancellato per i soliti disagi della Ryanair . Riparto per la Toscana. Qualcuno forse vuole che rimanga  più a lungo ad Alghero e alle ‘Tenute Delogu.

Quel fine settimana mi perdo il concerto dal vivo di Piero Marras , un famoso cantautore sardo,  in occasione dei suoi 40 anni di carriera, un grande artista a cui Piero, dedica una ‘Magnum di Geo’ , come fa  anche con il gruppo dei  Tazendas’. E insieme ai musicisti e i poeti,  Piero canta della sua Sardegna attraverso l’arte del  vino.

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Fibbiano winery and the wines of the hills of Pisa

Fibbiano winery and the wines of the hills of Pisa

‘A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world’

Louis Pasteur

The wines of Pisa hills

If you’ve just booked  an holiday in the magic  Tuscany,  you’ll soon be wondering: “what wines should I drink when I’m there?”. Surely,  one can answer  the wines of  ‘Chianti’ !

The wines of ‘ Chianti’ are really popular indeed. They come from the valleys between the great Tuscan Renaissance cities of Siena and Florence . Exactly here for a thousand years the landscape is made up of an unchanged medieval tapestry of woodlands, olive groves and cypress trees, all guarded by magnificent aristocratic villas.

What you should  know is that    Tuscany boasts other different and dynamic zones. One of these is for example  the rolling hills of Pisa and its province, namely the  ‘Terre di Pisa D.O.C.’ , which was founded in 2011!

Since then,  15 wineries have been enhancing  the quality of the wine production of Pisa and its province, promoting the wine appellations of ‘ Terre di Pisa Sangioveseand ‘Terre di Pisa Rosso’  in the international markets.

‘Terre di Pisa’ , a new project for a better tourism in Pisa

On the 6th December 2018 I attended a conference press at  the ‘Chamber of Commerce of Pisa’. It was hold in order to launch the project of ‘Terre di Pisa . What about it? It’ is the new tourist brand  for promoting  the cultural heritage  of  Pisa and its wine making tradition .  It counts about 460 members, including  ‘WeLoveItaly.eu’ as well!

On that occasion, I met Nicola Cantoni , the moderator of that event. Nicola has a handshake you remember. One quickly understands Nicola as a winemaker committed to what is important in the Tuscan winemaking tradition. But guess what!

Nicola is the owner of ‘Fibbiano winery”‘, which belongs to the 15 wineries  representing the excellence of wines produced in the territory of Pisa and its province . In a word, Nicola invited me to visit his winery, giving me the possibility to experience the renaissance of the wine  of  Pisa and its province. Thus I will be always  grateful for that!

Consortium  of the wines of Pisa’, an important wine community of Pisa and its province

While attending the press conference about ‘Terre di Pisa‘,  I found out that Nicola is not only a talented winemaker , but also  president of the  Consortium  of the wines of Pisa’ This  wine committee  was founded in 2018 to :

With the sunny season approaching fast, It was time for me  to plan my visit  at ‘Fibbiano winery’. But, It was quite impossible to fix a date for me  with  Nicola , being always busy for his job  ! Suddenly, his brother  Matteo Cantoni was the perfect solution to the problem! Fortunately, Matteo  was free to welcome me at ‘Fibbiano winery’   with open arms!

‘Fibbiano Winery’. How to make high quality wines in Pisa and its province

Lucky me! During a a weekend in March, I decided to came up at ‘Fibbiano winery’, which is home to  a terrific  modern winery and  an enchanting farmhouse. This enchanting estate is located at n. 2 via Fibbiano , in the municipality of Terricciola. This is a stunning  part of Tuscany, which is called the Era Valley (between  Pisa and Volterra). This enchanting territory is fast becoming an essential reference point for Tuscan wine, indeed for Italian wine. 

As I arrived at ‘Fibbiano winery Matteo  greeted me with a friendly smile . To begin with, Matteo was very kind with me. I had my interview with him about his farmhouse together with an exclusive wine tasting of their best wine labels. First Matteo told me all about the history of his family. 

Then I visited the cellar and the vineyards of the ‘Fibbiano winery. Finally,  I had my great wine tasting in a enchanting wine cellar.

The history of  ‘Fibbiano winery’ 

In 1997 Giuseppe Cantoni, with his wife Tiziana and sons Matteo and Nicola, moved from  Lombardy to Tuscany. They were looking for  a successful  wine making business living a life far away from the noise of the city and close to nature.

Therefore, they purchased a  medieval villa at that time, that belonged to the noble family Gherardi del Testa Barasaglia in the 12th century . They  renovated it all and turned it into what ‘Fibbiano winery is today, a thriving agricultural entrepreneurship.

An adventure from the North to the South

Their adventure from North Italy in Tuscany  was not only the result of a  desire to search for  their el dorado, but  also  a sign of destiny printed in one of their first  label Fonte delle Donne’  .  This exquisite white wine is made from Colombana, an old grape that grew spontaneously around a miraculous water source near the estate.

According to tradition, the Colombana grape was introduced by San Columbanus ‘ followers in the 17th century , when these famous Irish abbots decided to settle here living behind their Milan area. Upon their arrival in their estate, Cantoni Family realized they were not the only foreigners who fell  in love with Tuscany,  finding  the right place where to be !

Bringing to light  the old farmstead was not easy, but all that work  devoted to transform an old ruin into a jewellery was fully rewarded, as Cantoni Family carries on a prospering farming activity today, respecting land and the local traditions. Giuseppe, the father, deals with the general management of the middle age estate and takes care of the vineyards and countryside. Matteo, the eldest of the two sons, is in charge of marketing the wines and his brother, Nicola, is the winemaker .

The grapes of ‘Fibbiano winery’

Fibbiano’s philosophy is to continue on this thread of culture and tradition, cultivating indigenous grape varieties, such as Sangiovese, Canaiolo, Ciliegiolo, ColorinoS. Colombana, and Vermentino ,  instead of more international grapes. Fattoria di Fibbiano extends over an area of about 20 hectares of vineyards, 5 hectares of olive groves, 12 hectares of woodland and the rest is arable land.

Some vineyards (around 2.5 hectares) are over 100 years old and 17.5 hectares are up to 20 years old. This  mixture of old vines and new vines  keeps the vineyard alive, with red grapes planted on the top of the hill, and white grapes on the lower parts.  Due to Fibbiano‘s proximity to the Mediterranean and Ligurian seas, the soil originates from the sea and is rich in fossil shells from the pliocene epoch, and medium-textured corals .

In terms of climate, this part of Tuscany has warm sea breezes during the day and cooler nights, which helps the grapes to retain acidity and develop flavour. This particular terroir provides to complex wines with a certain minerality,  and aging capability.

‘Fibbiano winery’ is green!

I appreciated a lot of things, above all that ‘Fibbiano winery  is certified organic. Their practices, farming and wine-growing methods are truly natural. They even use  their own wood for central heating. Further, this sustainable winery uses a solar plant to conserve energy and produce fresh water.

They are always ready  to face new challenges, not least of which  exporting 80% of their wine to the following countries: United States, Canada, Norway, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, China, Russia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Lebanon, Mexico.

The wines of ‘Fibbiano winery’

The best part of this incredible life experience was my top wine tasting. I was led to a lovely wine bar with a large wooden table full with  Fibbiano  Best Wines and platters of Tuscan salami, pecorino and bread.  I sampled 6 different Wines, guided by Matteo who talked me through what I was enjoying, from the colour/appearance, the bouquet/smell and then the flavour.

Each wine was different, but wonderful in its own way.  I tried red and white wines, but the majority of the ones I  tried were red. Most of them are  made from the Sangiovese grapes and some are mixed with other grapes to produce  new fantastic blends.

White and rosé

Red wines

  • ‘Le Pianette IGT Toscana’ : This is a 70% Sangiovese and 30% Colorino wine;  It  is aged for 6 months in barrels of Slavonian oak and 3 months in bottle;
  • ‘Casalini Chianti Superiore DOCG’ : This is an 80% Sangiovese and 20% Ciliegiolo wine. It is aged for 8 months in barrels of Slavonian oak and 3 months in bottle. It has the typical notes of cherry . It is  a well-structured wine with smooth tannins;
  • ‘Aspetto IGT Toscana’ :  This is a 50% Sangiovese and 50% Canaiolo wine. It is aged for 12 months in tonneaux, 6 months in cement tanks, and 6 months in bottle. This is an intense ruby red wine with notes of mature red fruit and spices;
  • ‘Ceppatella IGT Toscana’ : This is a 100% Sangiovese wine, which is made with grapes selected from the oldest vineyard of the estate – it’s a 120 years old vineyard . It is a wine aged for 6 months in tonneaux , 14 months in barrels of Slavonian oak, and 5 months in bottle. It has notes of marmalade, spices, tobacco, and cacao and a long persistence.

Matteo entertained me happily and answered all my questions  by sharing  the secrets of their quality wines: “Sun, soil and patience”!

The wine of Pisa hills

‘Fibbiano wineryoffers up a bunch of very tasty wines for wine lovers and experts to experience. It is situated predominantly in the wine trail of the Pisa hills, an itinerary through the Tuscan countryside, which highlights many small towns that boast great traditions. It’s an area between Pisa and Volterra, and it  extends in the vicinity of the Arno, Egola and Elsa rivers. It embraces  stunning landscapes and places, such as  Casciana Terme, Capannoli, Chianni, Crespina, Lari, Palaia, Ponsacco, Terricciola, Cascina, Collesalvetti, Fauglia, Laiatico, Lorenzana, Montopoli Valdarno, Peccioli, Pontedera, Santa Luce, San Miniato and Collesalvetti .

The rolling hills of Pisa  gives birth to top red & white wines:

‘Fibbiano winery’ ,  the essence of the wine tradition in Pisa

Like other talented wine producers within  this zone , ‘Fibbiano winery’ is an example  of Pisa’s great winemaking potential, that is  only to be revealed in all its splendour.  I am feeling optimistic that this area is set to receive long overdue attention. Matteo was an excellent guide and wine educator

It was so natural for him to explain all that concerned his farm and how wine is made from grapes to wine. His passionate wine tasting remains for a long time among my memory . I am eager  to learn much more about the super wines of Pisa, that’s why another visit to ‘Fibbiano winery’ will be a must!

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“…L’ Alguer de sempre se vanta
de ésser país català,
la ginqueta me vol recordar,
a mi ella me canta…”
“La Ginqueta”, song of Pino Piras , voice of Claudia Crabuzza


There are places where I want to go without knowing why. Alghero, in Northen Sardinia, is one of these.  It all starts out with an urge to be somewhere that I’m  not. I travel for several reasons, but even just a short vacation to the beach or an unfamiliar city can serve as a  kind of escape.  I often loosen up, allowing for  learning.

I push myself forward in new cultures, try new things, get myself into uncomfortable situations, and find out the best part of me. It is easy to get high off the sense of anonymity that can be experienced while travelling. It doesn’t matter if it’s for a weekend  or a year long trip, if nobody knows me. I  often feel free to break out of my  shell.

I remember when I started planning my first trip to Alghero, which is only 40-minutes flight from Pisa on  Ryanair , I had no idea what I was doing! I wanted to get lost in Alghero, but at the same time, I didn’t want to miss the most beautiful things of this unique pearl of the ‘Coral Riviera’. I thought it might be impossible for me to arrange everything  by simply  following  my guidebook for two days!

Valeria Crabuzza and the ‘Alghero Concierge’

I had to try something different. I searched the web for information about Alghero. I just needed someone special to hold my hand and show me the way.  That’s why my first choice was Valeria Crabuzza, managing director & founder of  Alghero Concierge’.

Valeria was the first person I turned to for tips and information about Alghero.  She was always prepared to offer help and understanding. Before my departure for Alghero, I contacted Valeria by mail and then by a phone call.

Valeria provided me with outstanding concierge services creating my tailor-made holiday in Alghero. She provided me  with  free advice on accommodations, holiday activities, cultural events, archaeology sites and  other services.  Thanks to Valeria, I saved a great deal of time and effort researching and comparing on the net.

I simply told Valeria my  preferences and I packed my bags!  Valeria was my good angel in Alghero , a paradise just a few steps from home! Valeria made me fall in love with Alghero . Now I long to return to this enchanting place!

1st Day, Tuesday , 12th June 2018. ‘Benebenniu b&bthe best accommodation in Alghero

I landed in Alghero’sFertilia Airport’ on the 12th June 2018.  There were only 6 kilometres from ‘Fertilia Airport’ to the city centre, a short trip of less than 15 minutes drive. The airport is  well connected with the major Italian and European airports with low cost flights the whole year round. If you don’t want to drive or if you don’t want to rent a car, the city has an excellent transport service to and from the airport.

It was lunchtime and I reached Alghero’s old town  , where I met Valeria at Alghero Concierge’, her  holiday counsultancy and tourist services office in the heart of the city. Valeria was my ‘Welcome to Alghero , the best a traveller can wish.

Valeria was charming-a true Mediterranean beauty. The gentle nature of her soul, was reflected in her love for life and for the history and tradition of her beautiful island.  After my arrival in Alghero at midday and my interview with Valeria, I was excited to  uncover and bring to light  what she reserved . It was incredible, and  Valeria did an incredible job to ensure a perfect vacation in Alghero which covered all my requests.

First of all it was very easy for me to visit all the best parts of Alghero , because Valeria booked a nice room  for me in her  ‘Benebenniu b&b  in Via Carlo Alberto,70,  the main street of the medieval town.  It was in a very  central location  in Alghero among its cobblestoned streets (no heels, but comfortable shoes!), few steps away from the picturesque sea-front promenade, the ‘Bastioni and the Towers’.

Bus station, harbour, city beach, all the best bars and restaurants were all in the immediate proximity.  After having unpacked my bags, I walked around Alghero’s main streets, having all its beauty around me , just in the area where I stayed.

A trip near Alghero

I took terrific photos of all that drew my attention and sensitivity . I explored each corner  of Alghero , in any direction from the bottom towards the top and the from left to right! I went on strolling till the afternoon, when Valeria picked me up by car , leading me out of Alghero toward a breathless itinerary :

I enjoyed the awesome scenery and admired the spectacular landscapes of the -North-Western tip of Sardinia. I was enough lucky  to watch the sun dipping down in the blu sea among its impressive cliffs and to hear the seagulls crying out . As soon as I discovered nature again in all its glory,  Valeria remembered it  was time to go away! On the road back to Alghero, while I was thinking about that dreamy holiday,  Valeria explained the value and the importance of those places and the story of her life!

Valeria and his sister Claudia Crabuzza. A reason to come to Alghero

Valeria was born her in Alghero  where she spent the first nineteen years of her life before travelling abroad to work in hospitality. Initial economic hardships during her childhood didn’t stop Valeria cheerful and strong  temperament, but strengthened her character and  her spirit of adaptability.  Valeria reflected on  those hard days with a smile, because they made her grow. Valeria has got a brother, Francesco, and a sister Claudia , who eventually became a very well-known Italia songwriter.

Claudia Crabuzza won the prestigious music award  ‘Targa Luigi Tenco 2016’ (Minority Languages Category) for best album in ‘Algherese” Dialect’. She  worked  as author and interpreter with many famous national artists such as the most popular Sardinian ethno-rock band Tazenda’, Pippo Pollina, Mirco Menna, ‘Il Parto delle Nuvole Pesanti’, and others .

Valeria graduated from the professional hotel school of Alghero and started working in the field of tourism in Italy, Switzerland, Egypt and on  Canouan Island (Eastern Caribbean). She was inevitably drawn back to her native land .

Valeria  wished to combine her experience, her local knowledge and love of Sardinia, her passion and her positive attitude to best welcome and assist anyone coming to visit Alghero and the north-west coast of Sardinia.

On her personal note!  Valeria  is married and had two wonderful children. The love story with her Egyptian husband  Ehab Rashwan  is another incredible and long chapter of her life ! He is  a pro-active hospitality professional with over 25 years in the hospitality industry .

Dinner with Sardinian delicatessen at ‘La Botteghina’ restaurant in Alghero

That one hour drove to Alghero with listening to all  Valeria‘ s tales  astounded me, because it seemed so familiar.  The  sunset was unforgettable . The artificial lights of the lamps adorning Alghero transformed this noble city in an elegant living room. The closed shops were making the way for the night-loving people.

I felt the infinity poetry which emanated from this peaceful and ordered city, but at a certain moment all that enchantment was suspended by my rumbling tummy that looked forward to the dinner time. Soon after  Valeria and me seated  comfortably on a terrace of   the casual ‘La Botteghina’ restaurant . She said it was the right place for tasting local fresh food & wine, and it was true!

 A friend of Valeria, Carlo Deffenu, a very polite person did the honours. He was a lovely worker there and an Italian writer as well, who proposed a vast range of pleasures! I had typical Sardinian food & wine:

  • a sparkling  Vermentino called ‘Sessantaquattro’ paired with a mussels soutè;
  •  ‘fregola’ , that is a type of semolina-based pasta with seafood;
  • ‘culurgiones’ , that is a kind of pasta filled with boiled potatoes, extra olive oil, pecorino cheese, garlic and  mint , seasoned  with tomatoes sauce and parmesan. Best new dish I ever had in the last period!

The night was flowing slowly while Valeria was entertaining me with all her knowledge  about Alghero . I was totally immersed in all those stories.  A journey in the past of  Alghero, and an understanding of its present. A multifaceted world of an island within  the island , that is trying to grow and to improve despite the cumbersome Italian Political system, and the closed-shop mentality of the major part of its  inhabitants.

By the way, I realized  that Alghero  is considered one of the most charming towns of Sardinia. Ryainair flies  at least here twice a day. Take this as an opportunity to explore some of the amazing art the city has to offer.

Alghero is the perfect blend of history, gorgeous beaches, lovely food & wine, traditions and so much more. The town provides excellent hospitality for a constant flow of tourists, with a range of entertainments, facilities and nightlife that is ideal for young and old alike.

History of Alghero

Alghero was inhabited since prehistoric times, and  was founded by the Genoese in the 11th century. For many years, it was controlled by the dynasty of the Doria family’, despite a brief period of Pisan domination in 1283 and 1284.

Many different conquerors launched assaults on Alghero  until the Catalans expelled everyone in 1372 and created a home away from home. From then on, the town came to be known as “Barceloneta”, or ‘Little Barcelona’, and maintains its Catalan identity to this day.

Control of Alghero passed to the House of Savoy’ in 1720 and this marked the start of a long period of steady decline. This continued right up until the ‘Fascist Era’ which resulted in heavy damage to the town during Italy’s participation in WWII.

The removal, from the surrounding countryside, of malaria in the 1950s and the growth in package holidays during the 1960s saw the start of a transformation in the fortunes of Alghero. A large number of hotels and restaurants have been built on the investment in the town and development has spread northwards alongside the city’s sandy beach.

Today, tourism has not completely overtaken Alghero and the town still retains its distinctive Catalan identity with the local fishing industry an important contributor to the local economy.

2nd Day. Valeria & Katia after their professional experience at Canouan Island , Eastern Caribbean

It was late in the night. I opened the window of my room that overlooked one of the main square of Alghero . There was nobody outside, but few tables scattered among cafes and restaurants and a  silhouette of a  bell tower that raised above the rooftops of houses and churches.

My thoughts wandered and I couldn’t sleep for the excitement of what it happened, but I was tired and I fall asleep. The following day I woke up late in the morning, and the weather was awful.  I thought it was  perfect to visit wineries in Alghero.


I sat down at my table for eating something.  I took a look  in blogs and travel forums about  all the top wines. In the meanwhile ,  Valeria and her friend Katya attended my breakfast with  a  homemade lemon cake, hot coffee and orange juice.

Katya is another fabulous character of this Sardinian novel. At first sight Katya, so pretty with big green eyes, seemed to be an easy going person. Actually, Katya is a  romantic bohemian, a very deep fellow, a strong worker with the soul of an artist  in sewing technique.

She said she was from Pesaro, Marche. She met Valeria on the Caribbean resort 20 years ago. Since that time they were not only colleagues , but above all close friends. After having travelled a lot,  with a long stay in Peru, that changed her mind placing greater emphasis on the ‘being‘ and not on  ‘having’ in this life, Katya wanted to help Valeria . Her aim was to create something unforgettable in Alghero, with the intent of promoting this area in Italy and abroad.

What a marvellous and spiritual conversation! Katya withdrew, bidding me farewell, and saying I was in  a good service with Valeria about my trip in Alghero. Of course she was right! I glanced at the clock on my phone and a last great moment awaited me to complete my journey: visit the best Wineries in Alghero.

The weather promised to get worse, far more than I could expect! Never before had I seen so much rain in summer . Before my  appointment with Valeria and with the divine nectar of Sardinia in the early afternoon , I had little time to visit the old churches of the historic core in Alghero,:

The churches were unadorned, the simple churches of a simple  fishing village. I liked these types of churches- built solely as a religious sanctuary for the towns people with no more boisterous intent. Alghero’s Old Town was large enough to be interesting and small enough to tackle in a day of exploring.

Walking around Alghero, I didn’t feel like I was in Italy, but in a foreign land with such an atmosphere you had to live. Colorful facades, an almost derelict elegance , all complete with beautiful sea views from any given angle.

Vini Delogu, Alghero

It was lunchtime and to my surprise,  Valeria came to take me to a luxury hotel called ‘Carlos V’ in Alghero to attend a wine tasting organized by Tenute Delogu.

The  terrace of  the 5 stars  hotel  ‘Carlos V’ was magnificent , it  afforded panoramic views that encompassed everything from the ‘Capo Caccia’ promontory (which has a silhouette resembling a sleeping giant) to the costal road that conceals the town of Bosa.

The grey of the sky made visible exceptional views that resembled a Monet canvas,  with a mix of rough and soft colours and sparse and evanescent  brushstrokes.

That landscape inebriated my senses just like the top wines  did in the tasting room. A  light seafood buffet accompanied the Wine Tasting that included the best labels of the  ‘Delogu Winery’:

‘Tenute Delogu’ a top winery in the heart of Alghero

‘Tenute Delogu extends across approximately 60 hectares, encasing a modern winery, vineyards, a prestigious wine resort and dining options. Amongst palm and olive trees, the vineyards are immersed in Sardinia ’s  Mediterranean scrub.

This is where the ‘Tenute Delogu arises and from where its wines derive.  I had the honour of knowing personally the owner of the ‘Tenute Delogu  Mr Pietro Delogu. Pietro was present at that event to increase potential with his own customers . He was busy to give interviews to the Japanese press about his wine production, then he was able to spend a little time  with us.

We had lunch in that exclusive hotel and talked about that pleasant moment relaxing over glasses of his bubbles. After a while  Valeria had to go away to  collect her children from the residential home and Pietro invited me to spend a couple of hours at his estate ‘Tenute Delogu . We arrived there after an hour’s drive under that heavy rain!

Piero Delogu, Alghero

Pietro was very proud of all he did in his life, and this was the feeling I perceived during our conversation before to reach his estate.  Finally we arrived at his  ‘Tenute Delogu , and we  had no guided  visit from outside due to the standing rain.  We took  refuge in the estate’s restaurant , where he  made me feel at home.

That place was lovely and the grey overcast made us long for drinking good wines! At the very moment when Pietro was describing last lable of his wine collection, foreign clients entered the reception despite it being closed. As an Islander and a business man, Pietro opened the door . I helped him with attending to them.

He regarded my attitude  as polite, but I explained it was a pleasure for me.  It was also  a way to thank him for his dedicating time to me.  We ended our time in the barrique cellar of his winery , where I finished my friendly interview writing down as much as I could. Pietro’ s passion and love for his job and land emerged from his words.

Pietro wants to pursuit his dream to get better and better.  If only one day the Italian government , in Sardinia as in the rest of the nation, could provide financial and legislative  support for the development of enterprise policies.

Pietro and Valeria are strongly attached to their  native land but open minded by nature . I hope their courageous choice to invest all the necessary efforts in ensuring the implementation of their projects and ideas   will find support in a fair and  effective  policy  at local and national level, as soon as possible.

His was the sort of honesty  speech that does one good and it was lightened with a glass of Canonau . Valeria returned to take me back in Alghero. So, I said goodbye to Pietro, a smart and multi-faced man. I knew that this was not a farewell.

‘Tenuta Sella & Mosca’ winery. The Torbato of Alghero

Sardinia is an island that strikes its visitors with natural contrasts, the lights and colors of a region that boasts old traditions and a wild and pure nature.  Sardinia is a land full of archaic wine traditions.  Sardinia offers fascinating wines, it merits to be considered as one of Italy´s most unique wine regions.

There are international varieties and  indigenous grapes, such as Bovale, CagnulariMonicaCarignano, and others. All this  makes it worth to go for a wine-discovery tour as I did  at ‘Tenuta Sella & Mosca’ .

‘Tenuta Sella & Mosca’  was a nice place to visit, they offered a free tour in their estate and I liked it a lot despite the rain. ‘Tenuta Sella & Mosca’  was  founded in 1899 . It is the second largest contiguous vineyard in Italy and one of the largest wineries in Europe – it is a 1,600-acre property with more than 1,200 acres of Wines.

From vibrant whites to nuanced reds, ‘Tenuta Sella & Mosca’ has a Wine for every mood and meal. My favourite one is Torbato: a grape originally from Spain with only about 200 acres left in the world. Torbato produces refreshing, pale-straw wine marked by white flowers and hints of sea minerals.

The sparkling version is a must as an aperitif but there are also still versions–ranging from gentle, mid-low body to richer, creamier versions. All are definitely worth trying with light fish appetizers, oysters, and clam spaghetti!

Alghero in my heart. Always!

For my last night in Alghero , I spend long hours meditating the goods things in life with Valeria, then after a drink  and an appetizer in a bar , I went to bed .

When the alarm clock rang at 5 o’clock in the morning, I realized I had to leave Alghero. Before to get the airport, I relaxed at the harbour edge while I was investigating  the best picture angles for my  last photos.

As I sat on the bench gazing at the rocky faced hills across the harbour, a local fisherman jumped down from his boat and strolled past. His nutty brown skin indicated a life on the sea, his complete lack of self  consciousness as he sang aloud. I lapsed into a fantasy of a  simple  village life.

Give me a week here, and I’m quite sure I’d sing along! I didn’t really know what to expect, but it’s safe to say this city far , exceeded my expectations.

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